Monday, February 25, 2008

In Which I Am Sad

It's a lie that no news is good news. Sure, I didn't get any bad news today, but other people got good news and I didn't. I think that is silent bad news. Silent bad news is worse than bad news because at least there's certainty with bad news. Silent bad news leaves doubts - and worse, hope - until you finally get bad news.

Bad news is a big, bloody wound that can heal. Silent bad news is a festering sore that hangs around spewing pus. Silent bad news makes me focus on all the things that aren't working out for me right now, as opposed to the greater number of things that are fantastic.* It's poison, like baby formula.**

*Hey! I've got a book coming out in July! How awesome is that?!?!

**Just kidding about the formula, but that does crack me up.


  1. I don't know what your silent bad news is - Law and Order Dead Body? - but I know EXACTLY what you are talking about.

    Shoot, that's the way I felt when all my smart friends in high school were getting accepted to the "good" schools and I didn't hear anything. I didn't end up getting into any of them, but I make lots more than they do now.

    Although, I think they might be more content cause I'm about ready to quit my job and become a contractor. HAHAHAH...

    Damn, I hoped to cheer you up, sucks that it didn't work..

  2. You'll get your good news. I know it.

  3. Beware of that baby formula! Just looking at it can cause you to be cursed and grow a third eyeball. I'm obviously just kidding!

    Suzanne, I'm really sorry. I'll be thinking about you. I can't wait to read your book.

  4. Sorry about your crappy day. Mondays are like that sometimes...

  5. Congrats on the book - it looks good. I'll perhaps give it away as presents. And silent bad news does indeed suck - always makes me want to shake something. (why is it that the first word that comes to mind is baby? perhaps your comment on my blog? :-) )

  6. I believe your good news is on its way.
