Friday, February 22, 2008

CUSS Readers: Brilliant and HiIlarious

Just so you know, I wrote a rambling post over at BlogHer about the evils of douche, which we explored over here at CUSS back in October. Since I thought your comments on that post were exceptionally funny, I included them with links to your blogs. Feedback on the BlogHer post indicates that you are all brilliantly insightful. Thanks for being so awesome! Don't you think there should be an official blog reader appreciation day?

This is only the most recent event this week that reminds me how lucky I am. On Wednesday night, I found $40 on the sidewalk. Yesterday, Husband found out that he is getting a very nice bonus from work, which made me feel less bad about spending $2.69 on a carton of siggi's icelandic skyr yogurt. (But, damn, that is a fuckload to spend on a single yogurt!) Today, I am celebrating how cool it is to connect to such awesome people through blogging.


  1. We love you Suzanne :)

    and I say this unbiased, because I did not have anything douche-worthy to say so I am not quoted, but I love you anyway.

    And now it sounds like I'm bitter. But I'm not, I swear.

    That didn't help. I'm stopping now.

  2. Cool douche comments - so true - pizza and beer.

    Actually, since I have herpes, what I'm rooting for at this point is pizza and beer flavored dental dams. Not that anyone has ever used one on me - my husband is not so excited about the idea. For him it'd have to be cheese flavored or bratwurst flavored.

  3. You are just so funny! And right too!
