Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Un-Mar-ring a Bad Day

Yesterday? From the moment I woke up at 7:40 am until Alex called to chat at 4 pm, yesterday sucked.* It was a case of too much time on my hands and too much to obsess about.

Mar was supposed to arrive in New York around noon yesterday on her way to London with her mom. Thanks to evil weather in the Midwest (and I'm sure the steady rain here didn't help), her flights were canceled. I had planned an exciting day of Jewish deli food and a tour of the Theodore Roosevelt birthplace, but it was not meant to be.

Happily, Mar's flight did arrive in the evening, and instead of crashing at her hotel after a loooooong day of travel frustrations, Mar and her mom trooped over to my apartment. Further, they good naturedly followed me around in the rain as I showed them the sights of my 'hood: Natural History Museum; New York-Historical Society; and John Lennon memorial in Central Park. Then Mar gently reminded me that she had not eaten in 9 hours, so we headed over to a kosher deli for some grub before the delightful women headed back to their hotel near JFK, which takes about an hour by subway.

While I am disappointed that I didn't get to spend more time with Mar, I am so glad that we finally met! She is as awesome and adorable in person as she is online. Her mom rocked the house, too. I just love meeting my blog friends and their cool moms and/or dads. I hope that the ladies have a fantastic time in London, and I can't wait to see Mar again. She lives in the same town as my sister, so I figure we can meet up in exciting Iowa sometime this year. (My sister is determined to have me come to talk to her class of first graders about being an author, so I figure I'll go out there in the fall when my book is out.)

Anyway, after seeing my visitors off at the subway station, I returned home to find a thoughtful email from Eddie, plus lots of nice comments on my blog, including a tag from Warrior Two. Yay for blog friends!!!!

*Although the two episodes of The Golden Girls that I caught on TV were hilarious.


  1. I wonder if I'll ever meet anyone I blog with in person...

  2. Come to the BlogHer conference in July!

  3. I will now think about it. As I said in someone else's comments, it's a weird concept to think about not be anonymous... Early registratino was extended to March 31, so I have a little time.

  4. I so want to steal your "about me" statement: "While I'm a do-gooder by training and profession, I sort of also loathe people."
    That's sheer genius.
    If I happen to say it at any point ... I'll make sure to point people here.

  5. yay! i loved meeting you, suzanne!
    i plan to post more about my nyc visit when i get back & have more time to figure out what was up with that tr statue.
    time's up at the i-net cafe. i posted about the trip thus far.

  6. Glad you had a nice time. I would love to go to a good deli when I visit you next month.
