Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Future is Here!

All that nonsense I spouted yesterday about the end of the world? Forget it - I've seen the future, and it is here! Ironically, the future met me at a bank at a time when banks are falling to shit left and right. On my way to Long Island for Rosh Hashana dinner, I stopped at an ATM center by Penn Station. Finding only envelopes, but not deposit slips, I stormed out muttering and walked across the plaza to the actual bank.

There were zillions of deposit envelopes by the ATMs in the bank, but still no deposit slips. However, unlike at the ATM center, there was a large sign on the wall and handouts in multiple languages (except, inconveniently for me, English) informing me that deposit slips and envelopes were no longer required in order to make ATM deposits. The large sign encouraged me to just follow the instructions at the ATM. Weary and skeptical, I approached the machine.

I slid my card into the slot. (That sounds ridiculously sexual, doesn't it? Sorry about that.) After telling the ATM that I wanted to make a deposit, it asked me to insert my check face up into a larger slot. "OK," I said and took a breath. The machine greedily inhaled my check like an asthmatic sucks down her inhaler during a bad asthma attack. Two seconds later, a scanned image of the check appeared on the monitor. A line of words appeared under the picture. "Is the amount of this check $400?" I had not even realized that I never entered the check amount. I could even print a receipt with a picture of the check on it.

Maybe I am easy to impress, but damn, what a miracle this was! I wished I had more checks to deposit. (Not only because the ATM was cool, but because I wish I had more money to put into my account.) The future met me at Chase Bank,* and I approve.

*When I pulled up Chase's website to see if there is any information about how Chase is introducing their customers to the future, I discovered that they are welcoming "WaMu customers to the #1 U.S. Bank in Deposits!" That brought me back to reality. Go Cubs!


  1. I think if the Cubs win at this particular time in history, it will be a sign that some sense of balance will be restored to the world. The constant underdogs (e.g. normal people) finally coming out on top!

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    Btw - if the world does end, I promise to get you a Mars bar beforehand for savouring . . .

  2. I bank with Bank of America, and their ATMs also have this check-scanning feature. Like you, I thought it was the coolest thing eva the first time I used it.

    So if you're easy to impress, I must be, too. ;-)

  3. Hey S, glad to see that someone else out there is into the magic scanning ATMs.

    Mara - Thanks for the Mars bar. There's some weird comfort in the idea that I can eat a delicious candy bar, possibly tainted with bad milk from China, while things around me crash and burn. (And it won't matter that the candy bar is poisoned since the world is ending anyway.)

  4. damn! that's cool!
    i'd probably freak out before letting a machine eat my check, though.

  5. I too think the check-scanning ATMs are awesome. My bank (PNC) has been using them for some time. I like it because I rarely go to the bank, so the ATM is the way I bank.

    I hated having to have envelopes. They were never there when I needed them.

    What else awaits us in this grand Future?!

  6. Wow, that is pretty cool. You're a braver woman than I am to let the machine suck it in.
