Thursday, October 9, 2008

Theo Thursday: Who is a Terrorist?

(Click on photo to enlarge)

Theodore Roosevelt Reisman is a plush animal companion who wants to live with his human friend and her husband in freedom. He became an activist when he heard that his polar bear cousin's lives were threatened by the so-called "pro-life" governor of Alaska and Republican Vice Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin. Theo believes that, although the Constitution does not seem to allow 20 year old stuffed animals to run for elected office, he is more qualified to be Vice President than Sarah Palin.


  1. Sarah Palin is cute and feisty. She may not be that worldly or that smart, but she claims to be one of the common people. I think the common people should demand an explanation.

    Above all,Sarah is a trophy vice president nominee.

  2. Yeah, she is SO Main Street. Just ask her!
