Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What Would CUSS Readers Do?: Holiday Gifts

On November 3, I will be writing about great gifts for feminist bloggers on BlogHer. Since I seem to only want bizarre things (like a Jody Davis Cubs jersey) or charitable things (donations to the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice and/or National Network of Abortion Funds), I seek input.

What do you want for the holidays?

Leave me a comment, and when I write up the post I'll link to your blog, unless you ask me not to do so. Be honest, but also be warned: I probably won't recommend gift certificates to waxing salons, even if it is something you would adore. I might buy you one, though. :)

Jeez, I can't believe the holidays are right around the corner.


  1. I'd love to try Yes! organic lubricant and the Newf Brand Venereous Shaving Trio. Love your blog!

  2. Here's my suggestions...just thinking about the feminists i know and love and the places i've stumbled across in the past few days...

    Mandella Glass--I love artsy craftsy stuff and this guy takes it to a whole new level:


    Northland Poster Collective--these people, well, I love their humor!


    Sock Dreams--i know, like ties for me but these are way cool and they have plus sizes too!


    shit it just occurred to me...you weren't being facetious when you asked were you? :)

  3. I've alredy been buying my gifts! I ordered my sister Women in Journalism: A New American History. I hope it inspires her. I'm hoping to find a feminist-oriented gift for my mom as well, although if all else fails, I'll get her some more Beatles-related memorobilia.

    I'd be thrilled to get a gift certificate to BookWoman, Austin's resident feminist bookstore. The list of books I want is endless. I could use a copy of Our Bodies, Ourselves; I also want to fill in the gaps of my Mary Oliver collection. My want-to-read list is pretty much endless. I also would like some good vegetarian cookbooks, since as of yesterday I'm officially meat-free.

    I'd also love some yoga props, including a bolster and some blocks. And, on a slightly related note, I've asked my partner for a Zen alarm clock.

    I also want one of those fancy $300KitchenAid mixers. Doubt I'm going to get it, though.

  4. I want someone to buy me carpets for my apartment, because the carpets there are skeezy and I don't like walking and sitting on them all the time like I do.

    I want a potted tiny cedar tree to be my "live christmas tree."

    And I want a couple of T-shirts from the guy at QuestionableContent.net

    Totally random, I know.

  5. funny 'cause i just started writing out my christmas (card) list & realized it's immensely long with all the relatives & their spouses.
    i want a wii fit (why, oh why did i cancel my pre-order when i could've got it for $80 before it came out? oh well, amazon would've probably left it at my doorstep to be stolen just like the copy of your book!)
    i also want some new bras & undies from vicky's or barenecessities for christmas.
    and a matt murton cub's jersey, even if he's no longer on the team! :p

  6. Hey prin, I am not at all being facetious. I really want to know what feminists want and are giving others!

    Thanks for the guidance from everyone!

  7. The Midlife Gals would love to receive a tee shirt with the following, "I slept with a Lesbyterian...and all I got for it was this TEE SHIRT!

    The back of it would read, "Have bush, camel toe or particularly protruding mound of Venus...move on.

    Winkety wink!

    KK and SalGal


  8. Honestly I keep on telling hubby that what I would like is warm pjs. None of the lacy/short/flimsy material pjs/nighties that the pj industry seems to assume every woman wants. I'm talking nice thick flannel or fleece (he got me a great fleece pair from LL Bean last year) particularly now that we're trying even harder to conserve oil.

  9. i want a photo booth.



  10. Etsy gift cards!
    A day off and/or a really long nap.
    My daughter to potty train already!
    A new digital camera.
    To live closer to my partner.
    To get rid of the damn law that prevents me from living closer to my partner. (My kid's dad, 100 mile radius, etc.)

    I do have some sex toys (brand new in package) y'all can have though.

  11. Laura K, who you know, recently plugged http://stellamariesoap.com/ on her blog - awesome and inexpensive body products. Her blog post on this is here: http://wmtc.blogspot.com/2008/10/stella-marie-soaps.html
