Thursday, October 23, 2008

Theo Thursday: Polar Bears for Obama

Theo thanks Suzanne's husband for finding this awesome sign online and printing it for him in color!!! Theo is also moved by Palin's latest actions against his fellow mammal, the beluga whale.


  1. that's a really cute sign

  2. I would like to make a motion that the PACO National Committee appropriate $15,000 for a new wardrobe for Theo. Between Cuss and Facebook appearances it's important Theo look his best!

    (Lest you think I am being sexist in my reduced budget for Theo over SP, it's really just my being size-ist as in, Theo is 1/10th SP's size)

  3. I was wondering if that was a typo or if you were being species-ist. But your logic is impeccable!

  4. I LOVE the sign. Watch for a Lankee rip-off.
