Friday, February 16, 2007

Count Me Out of Civilized Society

Husband is the best man in a wedding this afternoon. I was planning to wear a cute pink and green strapless cocktail dress to the wedding, but I noticed that my leg hair was clearly visible through my white tights. I then considered wearing a pair of funky black flowy pants things, but then I didn’t want them to drag in the slush that is dogging the streets of New York these days.

“Why don’t you just shave your legs?” Rebecca asked.

“What! Are you crazy?” I replied, aghast at the sacrilegious suggestion.

I settled on a black dress so that I could wear black tights. As I mentioned all this to Husband, he brought up the fine product now available to men through

“Damn, that was a funny ad,” he chuckled.

We joked about the “optical inch” for a few minutes, when it suddenly occurred to me. If people distinguish themselves from other mere animals by our grooming habits, then it is actually a sign of civilization that both genders are increasingly spending time removing our fur. Hence, I am utterly uncivilized.

“Yes, that’s true,” Husband admitted cheerfully. “If you were more civilized, you would also use a fork and knife while you eat. Your sister has the same issue!”

I hate using knives as much as I hate shaving. Using a fork is sufficient to split apart whatever food I plan to ingest. Why make another utensil dirty if it doesn’t need to be? Sure, if my food actually requires a knife, I am happy to make use of it. But generally, a gentle nudge off the side of the fork is perfect force and sharpness to break off a bite size nugget of food. Or sometimes I gnaw on things.

Civilization is overrated, anyway.


  1. To bad it isn't a caveman/woman themed wedding, ha,ha..

  2. You could use a knife to shave. Then you wouldn't have to dirty the razor AND the knife. They're sorta the same thing.

  3. The new Annoyance Theatre is up and running strong!

    I found you site via a Google search for DAME COED PRISON SLUTS.
    I needed to link somebody to info about the show.

    The last two ladies that I was somewhat significant to, both requested that I shave. In fact, they shaved me.

    But now I am single, and I took it upon myself to do my own maintenance work. I knicked myself underneath my testicles several times. Talk about seeing red!

  4. I hate shaving my legs too and I also have chosen outfits specifically so that I don't have to shave my legs.

  5. I like to eat either with just a fork or better yet, my hands alone.

  6. I shave my legs a few times a year. I'm very tall and blonde, so usually figure why bother? Too much surface area to clear to get rid of nearly invisible hair anyway.

    I have the opposite problem with black tights though--any stray blondies poking through are highly visible.

  7. Suz, remember when I chaperoned your 7th grade dancing lessons? It was right before the holidays, and Vanessa's mother requested I dress up and wear a skirt. My response:"That will be fine if you want to see my hairy legs!" Bottom line- I wore pants.
