Monday, February 19, 2007

Sorry, Wrong Number

The phone rang. Husband picked up.

"Hello?" he asked politely. No answer. "Hello?" he asked, less politely. Click.
"Hello, I am calling to speak to the lady of the house," a woman replied.
"What is this in reference to? Husband asked, sussing out a telemarketer.
"Um, I am calling from The Dove Foundation. May I speak to the lady of the house?" she replied, nervously.
"What is this in reference to?" he suspiciously sneered.
"Um, I am calling from The Dove Foundation. May I speak to the lady of the house?" she replied, nervously.

Husband hung up. He then looked up The Dove Foundation and learned that:
In 1991 The Dove Foundation began promoting family-friendly entertainment. Our standards and criteria are based on Judeo/Christian values, free from the pressure of commercial interests. We believe in a positive approach of commending high-quality, wholesome movies rather than condemning filmmakers for not meeting those standards.

For years we have watched the morals and attitudes of the entertainment industry slowly creep into our society. We maintain that the number of PG-13 and R rated films, with their increasingly salacious material, are not representative of the desires of millions of movie goers. It’s time for positive family values to impact those in Hollywood instead of Hollywood impacting family values.
Boy oh boy. This foundation needs far better prospect research if they think that this lady of the house is going to support their cause. Dudes, I wrote an article calling for more (but better quality) porn. Not that I think kids should be watching all that violence and evil hetero-centric fucked up stuff in movies and on TV, but I clearly am not going to be supporting more "Judeo-Christian values" in Hollywood. Now that is funny.


  1. Well you can't expect the man of the house to promote healthy family values. Women are kind, sensitive, caring, and Christian.

    Yup, they got you pegged.

  2. I read this aloud to Craig, and he thinks that maybe they weren't calling to recruit you, but more of a "cease & desist" kind of thing because you're a bad influence.

  3. I think super des may be on to something. Well Craig may be anyways..

  4. I'm surprised that they didn't see your name on the "Least Likely to Support the Dove Foundation" list.

  5. You have to wonder if they are one of the groups supporting "clean" know, where they edit out all the stuff that will turn you into a serial killer? Takes a two hour movie down to about fifteen the Reader's Digest version of a film.

    Personally, I think you'd be a great spokeswoman....better suited to a PSA on empowering young women than "cleaning up our entertainment" though.

  6. I'm surprised that they didn't ask to speak to Mrs. Husband.
