Friday, February 2, 2007

I've Never Been Called a Heartthrob Before!

On Tuesday, a woman I quoted in a post from back in December left me a comment in which she said, “I could have said something about your resemblance to Harry Potter. OH, SNAP.”

This is why I love people who mistakenly think they are clever. Since I have neither round glasses nor a lightning bolt-shaped scar on my forehead, I must look like Daniel Radcliffe, who plays Harry Potter in the blockbuster films. Radcliffe is a seriously adorable guy with legions of tween girls whose hearts are aflutter for him. I have never been compared to a teen idol before, so I am pretty flattered. Usually people tell me I look like Anne Frank, which while I understand they mean it as a complement, is really fucking depressing.


  1. Um, Billygean has a recent photo of him:

    And baby, I KNOW you don't look like that. You actually don't really resemble anyone I can think of, which I suppose is good. You're unique.

  2. Bam! Take that!

    He's appearing in a play in London in which he is fully nude and there's a sex scene. Parents are outraged, but this should further your flattery.

  3. It has always amused me when people try to use my physical appearence to make me feel demeaned in some way.

    In response to a recent attack on my weight by some idiot I fell back on the old stand-by, "I can always lose'll still be stupid tomorrow."

    I guess high-school actually was useful.
