Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Confessions: This 'n' That

I'm tired. Time for confessions.

1. I like that evil radio station, Jack FM. Yes, it is corporate radio at its most raw. It displaced beloved oldies stations in both of my hometowns. (Although it failed miserably in NYC and the oldies are coming back, which makes me smile.) But it plays a reliable mix of pop and rock songs that I enjoy. It is perfect for when I drive. I am ashamed, but it reintroduced me to Bon Jovi. How can I hate a station that brings "Livin' on a Prayer" back into my life?

2. I want to burn down McMansions. Worse, I wouldn't mind if its owners were in them as the beams crashed to the floor in flames. It was a nice day yesterday, so I took a run through my old neighborhood. On one street, nearly every moderate-sized home was razed and replaced with some fucked up, pretentious palazzo squeezed into every square inch of the lot. It's depressing, and they are conquering the country. I suppose the madness will end when the housing boom finally crashes, but it is very sad that I look forward to the destruction of the housing market, isn't it?

3. I gave in to my better side, did the right thing, and agreed to have lunch with Bubbe this afternoon. Sigh. I'm bracing myself for the racist tirades.

4. I miss Husband and Tycho Bunnae.

5. I worry about letting people down with blog posts that are as mundane as this one.


  1. Suzanne,

    Here, here! .... easy...

  2. Yeah, my last blog post was about cloth grocery totes. I'm as mundane as mundane gets! You won't bore me.

  3. Re:
    1. Very upset that Jack FM has changed back to the oldies in NY... I really liked the random playlist, lack of duplicate songs and no DJ's.
    2. Agree 110% about the McMansions. They gots to go! The land is overcrowded enough. Does the 2.1 family REALLY need 3500+ sq. feet to live in???? NO!
    5. Don't worry... I like Rants. :)

  4. Bryna, somehow I missed that you are a New Yorker. We should get together when I get back to the City!

  5. i too want the housing market to crash, but that's just so I can afford one!

  6. The McMansions had eaten La Grange, IL the second to last time I went back (Nov 2000). And when I was there in 2004, every house on my street save 3 had been extended to take away the yards. Amazingly the house my parents bought for $27K in 1971 that my dad sold for $400K in 2002 was rehabbed by the new owners and in 2004 on sale for $900,000. Ridiculous! Worse, all the new owners were leaving nasty letters for the 3 "holdouts" asking them to sell or rehab their houses!

  7. You mean to tell me there was a time when "Livin on a Prayer" was not in your life?
