Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hell is Just Around the Corner, I Think

It's not just the state of the world which makes me think that hell is just around the corner. (No, if it were solely politics and such, it would be clear that we already live in some outer ring of hell.) A few weeks ago, I said it was hot here. I was wrong. Not a clue as to what I was talking about. Because it is so fucking hot here right now that I swear the dry hairs on my legs could serve as tinder and spontaneously burst into flames in my jeans. That would suck.

In order to prevent barbecuing myself, I was forced into drastic measures. I acknowledged that I could not wear jeans without making myself swoon. Then, I shaved my legs. I figured if they could become inflamed in my pants, I probably was not much safer with them exposed to the elements. Because it is that fucking hot out.


  1. Tell me about it. I tried putting on sunscreen yesterday, and it was one of the most difficult things I've had to do in a while. It just would not stop dripping, no matter how much I rubbed.

    A week or two ago, Urban's air conditioning broke. Thankfully, it works again. I think I'd have to quit my job if it broke again, because the heat/humidity is really that unbearable.

  2. I feel your pain. Down here if I even think about wearing jeans I'd die of heat stroke. Although Al's happy, I have to shave every day now.

    Kinda makes you rethink the shorts to work rule.

  3. It's hot here, too. Hot and humid, which is just so lovely. Humid in that when I dry myself off after my shower, it's not so much drying as it is just pushing the water from one spot to another.

    I have a fucking HEAT rash. What the hell is up with that? Heat rash. I thought only babies got heat rash.

    I hate this. I have about a 2 degree differential that I can stand and I'm way, way, WAY past that now.

  4. It's hot up here in RI too. Today is the perfect example of why we should stop cutting trees down. I have about 10 (no lie) very large and very old deciduous trees in my yard that are doing a wonderful job of keeping my house cool. They are all taller than my 100+ year old house. I have all the windows up, shades drawn, fans on and it's a cool 80 in my apartment.

    I love trees.

    You could always just not shave. My mom does not shave at all and still wears shorts and a tank. She's braver than I.

  5. Just a Girl - I'm holding firm on not wearing shorts to work if you work in a formal environment. Offices are generally air conditioned. Skirts are just fine, although that said...

    Major Bedhead - I have heat rash too. It is damn miserable.

    Jane - Trees are awesome. I would definitely go out without shaving but I am wearing skirts to my consulting job, so I feel if I am going to expose myself in the office, I should at least try and look socially acceptable. If I wasn't working there 2 days a week, I definitely would not have bothered.

  6. It's crazy hot out here too. I would have consented to having McDonald's last night for dinner since there was no way I was heating up the kitchen and at least McD's is airconditioned unlike our house which just has a couple of units, but the kids and I didn't even want to get in the car. The car made the outside feel cold. We had random pickings from the fridge instead. Unheated of course.

  7. Being 100 degrees and 75% humidity is my least favorite thing.

    Also, "if they could become inflamed in my pants" is my new favorite line.
