Saturday, July 28, 2007

Saying What I Mean, Not What It Sounds Like

In a discussion about the various search terms that lead people to our blogs, I loudly announced, "I get a lot of young pussy."

And I wonder why I "project" radical lesbian? Oy.

On a slightly related note, I learned from The Branding Consultant that I need a short tag line for my blog. I pondered "Cunts, Whores, Bitches, Complaints," but thought maybe that was both too vague and too clear. Karrie suggested "Life is getting hairy." I love it. It's perfect timing, too, as I hope to attend a session on pimping my blog template later this morning. Hopefully, some good changes (including my new exciting tag line, which I am altering slightly to "Because life is hairy") are ahead.

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