Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Hard to believe, but taking the GRE seems to have sucked me dry. I seriously have nothing to say today. Nothing is going on. The big news is that I plan to send my applications off tomorrow. I am sure that postal wackiness will ensue. My friend, who sold a ferociously fugly handbag through my eBay account, went to the post office this afternoon to send it to the lucky winner and waited 10 minutes just to use the automated machine. I am half contemplating walking the application across the park and dropping it off in person. It might take the same amount of time. I wouldn't want anything to interfere too much with my ability to watch Hunter on DVD. I'm almost done with season 1 (two more episodes!) and then there are 23 episodes from season 2. Not to mention that I am weeks behind in CSI and Heroes! Such is the life, as Bubbe would say.

Speaking of Bubbe, I didn't write about our quality time together on Friday afternoon because she was shockingly well-behaved! She didn't slander any ethnic groups, made no nasty remarks about my mom or granny, and only once cried during lunch. She even told the flaming gay waiter at the restaurant that she hoped my dad would bring her there to eat again, and when he walked away, she didn't turn to me and "whisper" that he was a fagele. The whole experience was very pleasant. I did, however, discover that she had three telephones hooked up in her bedroom and three more in the kitchen and living room of her apartment. She gave me two of the extras from her room because it annoys her "when they ring all at once." I was curious why they were there in the first place, but decided not to push my luck.

See? Quiet and motionless here.

*Since I had to learn all these exciting new words for yesterday's exam, I thought I should incorporate them into my daily life.

1 comment:

  1. so take the extra phones from bubbe and give them to granny so she can stop renting (that story really bugs me)
