Sunday, December 9, 2007


Husband was out at the 2007 edition of the annual Beer & Deer Tour (this involves going to bars around the city and playing the game Big Buck Hunter; t-shirts are sold to those who participate and prizes are awarded in various categories at the end of the event. I wish I was making this up, but alas, I am not.), so no humans were home when I came back from Chicago last night. Tycho the Rabbit greeted me by shoving his ass in my face when I went over to pet him. I went into the bedroom, and discovered that Husband replaced me* during my short trip to my parents' house:

I guess Theo-Suzanne is nicer to both Husband and Tycho. Theo probably also didn't eat the cinnamon roll he meant to bring home for Husband from Ann Sather restaurant, or a hot dog at the airport, or large quantities of holiday cookies, or chocolate that expired a year ago but still was luscious, or Halloween candy, so I guess he also has less gas than I do. I can't say I wouldn't prefer Theo to me under those conditions, either.

*Husband claims that they were playing dress up when I was gone, and Theo wanted to dress up like me in my pjs while Husband dressed up like a pirate. I still think he replaced me.


  1. That's hilarious! Too bad there are no pics of the alleged pirate costume...

  2. Exactly why I don't believe him! It's not like Theo couldn't take the picture...

  3. Cheating on you! How could he??

  4. well at least Theo was wearing pants and not the underwear he used to model.

  5. Des, that is an EXCELLENT point, although Husband just told me he was glad I didn't catch Theo earlier or "that would've been embarrassing!"
