Friday, June 30, 2006

This is Only a Test (of My Self-Restraint, That Is)

I received this email about an ago at work from our consultants to help them prepare for a retreat:
To help us, we would appreciate it if you would take time to answer as many of the questions below as possible. Please be candid, be you, and be prepared to have some of this information shared publicly at the retreat.

To proceed, simply hit “reply” to [consultant’s name] and then type in your responses to the following items and “send” your response back to me. Deadline: July 7th.
Wow, good thing we pay consultants gobs of money for their guidance. It’s not like I knew how to reply to emails in the 12 years since I began eagerly taking advantage of the internet as a communication tool. Really, who knew that getting a response back to the sender merely required hitting “reply” and “send.” Craziness!

Of course, the questions that they want me to answer bring up some issues as well. Choice selections include:
    2. What is the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
    5. What is a hidden talent you possess that most people don’t know about?
    6. What’s one of the funniest things you’ve ever done?
    9. What is a special interest/passion of yours that could be useful at [work]?
    10. What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekend?
    12. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
    17. What skill do you have that never gets used at work?
    19. Do you have any hobbies? What are they?
    23. What special skill/interest/ability of yours contributed in a meaningful way to a project/program or new initiative during the past year?
    24. Did you accomplish something in the past year that you never thought possible (i.e. acquired a new skill, created a new process or program, etc.)? What was it?
You can see from this why I am always of the verge of killing someone. I am extremely tempted to answer “suck dick” to each of these questions. They want to know the real me, right? Ha ha ha. Yes, it is a good thing I am moving into part-time employment.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

My Future's so Bright I Gotta Wear Shades* (or Something)

Since eight years of “do-gooding” work have actively driven me to the point of such constant frustration that I actually asked my boss before I went to a meeting if there was money in the budget to bail me out of jail if I killed someone at it(answer: No), I have made the wise but still sort of sad decision to slowly step (Why is it that trying to help kids leads one to criminal insanity?)

I want to write more. Although practically no one reads CUSS (and a big hearty thanks to those of you “special people” who do - yesterday I had an all time high of 96 hits, and only about half were looking for porn! Wooo hooo!), it makes me happy to write on it. And I like writing for BlogHer. (I’m currently a contributing editor for Feminism & Gender. Hurray! List your awesome feminist blog on the blogroll, and I'll write you up there.) Plus, I have been playing around with a book about unusual things to do and see in NYC that I really want to finish, even if it never gets published. And I have a screwed up memoir/essay book thing that I entered into the The Memoirists Collective contest (join the Collective and vote for me on July 12 and I will love you forever, not that I already don't) and will polish up. Just because I am totally unqualified to pursue this path and also get lonely spending a lot of time alone does not mean I will not try. I’m going for my dreams and all that shit. Fuck yeah!

*Side note: This seemed to be a big catch phrase in the late '80s. There were all these little goverment-issue programs that my school had that talked about how you should not fuck up and do drugs or get knocked up and shit. All these kids would talk about how their future was so bright, they had to wear shades. I swear that there was even an educational flick called My Future's So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades that featured "cool" kids and all.

Plus the '80s is the era of the Coreys, in which Corey Haim wore his sunglasses at night in the vampire movie Lost Boys that I have still never seen the beginning of, despite seeing about 100 times on cable. Anyway, Corey gets arrested for something and the police ask him what the fuck he is doing wearing sunglasses at night and he says something about being so cool he needs to wear them all the time. Maybe this was Corey Hart in License to Drive, a movie that I thought was gut-bustingly hilarious when I was 11. At any rate, Corey Hart re-recorded the song "Sunglasses at Night," which was about wearing sunglasses at night.

Man, those were the days. And, insomnia sucks, but that is another story...

Two Random Observances on My Way Home from Work Yesterday

1. Even while standing still on the subway platform, I swear I can feel the thick, hot air clogging my pores.

2. The neighborhood sex shop (my new obsession) changes the mannequin in the window into a new sexy outfit every week or so. Such attention to detail, as if it were a boutique showing off the latest designer item, is very impressive, isn’t it?

That Sounds Painful and Possibly Smelly as Well

Some time ago, Husband read an article about a man who suffered serious burns on his penis because he was using his laptop while on the toilet. It’s a long story why I started thinking about this, but it did suddenly occur to me that the man must have been looking at porn and jerking off while sitting on the porcelain throne. Otherwise, I cannot imagine how his penis got near the laptop. If he was just taking a shit and using his laptop like a normal person, I would think that his dick would be tucked away between his legs. This is mere speculation, though, since I do not have a dick and am thus not quite sure where it would go while one drops the kids off at the pool. Maybe the proper place for one’s penis while crapping is flopped on top of one’s legs, which would explain the proximity to the laptop and hence the burn. Any expert advice out there?

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

My Playboy Picture - Uncensored Version!

Many moons ago, I wrote about the time a Playboy photographer took my picture. (Quick recap: The NARAL Teen Advisory Group, of which yours truly was a very proud member, got together to make a calendar to raise money for NARAL’s policy initiatives concerning teen girls. The nice lady who ran the group, cleverly also named Suzanne, had a boyfriend who was a photographer for Playboy. He came and took our mug shots for the calendar.) On that post, I included a censored picture of myself holding a fistful o’ condoms while smiling innocently and wearing my hair cute pigtails. I am going to undo a wrong.

I have revealed (chortle, chortle) myself anyway on this site recently, so I an uncensoring that picture from the calendar. Cute, no?Now that I am looking at it again, I do find my appearance to be a bit on the busty side. Leave it to the ol' Playboy photographer to find a way to make an innocent youth look semi-smarmy. On the other hand, it would have looked way worse had the picture been taken a few years later. I accidentally shrunk the dress in the dryer (it was dry clean only), and man did I bust out of it after that. It would fit nicely now, though. Oh well.

Operation Evil: July 15-22, Jackson, MI MS**

Operation Rescue (now known as Operation Save America) is laying siege to the only sole abortion clinic in the entire state of Mississippi in July.* If their digusting name change is not enough to make bile rise in the back of your throat, I spent a few minutes perusing their website and found out that they are calling this “the Gentle Revolution.” I checked the dictionary, and not one of their hateful, forceful actions ever matched the definition of “gentle.”

Also, I know this is not funny, but a June 22 post says, “It appears that the denizens from hell are quite concerned about Christians coming out of the closet as far as the abortion issue is concerned.” Nothing makes me more delighted than being referred to as a “denizen from hell” by religious bigots intent on forcing me to convert to their religion. The rest of the information on the Operation Save America website is terrifying. One of the pictures on the site shows a girl holding a sign calling RU-486 “Hitler in a Pill.” As the anonymous June 22 writer said,
No Exception
No Compromise
No Apology
You cannot reason with psychopaths like that. I can point out that if they are so upset about killing people, they should be agitating their friend King George to save people in Darfur, they’d just stare at me like I was bringing a message directly from Satan. Nope, they have no interest in saving actual independent, breathing, thinking, feeling lives, especially ones in Africa. (I guess their new name makes a lot more sense than I originally thought.)Remember, a big tactic of the Catholic church and other fundamentalist religious institutions in the not so distant past was to torture and kill people to save their souls, so this is nothing new to them. No means are too low for them to "help" people who don't want it.

Which of you other "denizens from hell" can I sign up with me to lay siege to the HQ of Operation Save America or to any church that sends people to badger and harrass people? How would they like it when they are prevented from exercising their right to go to work or to get their religious brainwashing? I suspect they would not like it at all. (People never like it when their own tactics are used against them, and then bitch and whine and act like victims.) We can call the action "Operation Save America from Operation Save America."

*FYI - Frontline has an amazing program on this clinic, which aired last November, but can be seen on the web here.)
**Updated on June 29: Steve (see comments) pointed out that Mississippi, where Jackson and the siege are located, is in fact, MS. MI is Michigan. Man, I used to know that kind of shit. Old age, my friends, hits hard.

If you want to do something to really save America, the National Organization for Woman (NOW) is collecting funds specifically to protect women who have no choice but to enter the clinic that week under the hostile and violent conditions imposed by mentally ill people who think they are taking on the work of Jesus. Donate here.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Today Show

Recently one of my friends investigated the Today Sponge as a birth control option. She had been persuaded by two women she trusted, Elaine on Seinfeld and her former boss, that the sponge was the most rockin' awesome birth control out there. She purchased it, read the directions, and put it in. That is when she discovered that her sources had no idea what they were talking about.

"I'm totally comfortable inserting things in my body, but I felt like I was stuffing a balloon inside me," she confessed. "Although to be fair, a balloon is not wet and heavy. You have to get the sponge wet and sudsy before you put it in..."

I love my friends. What would I do without them? I'd never learn any of this important stuff. You are the best.

Happy Birthday, B!!!

Theo put on a costume to celebrate because today is my big B's birthday. (Big B is Steph; little B is me. We started calling each other B because it took too much effort to continue referring to each other as “beeeyotch,” which we started calling each other when plain old “bitch” got too boring.) Big B is 31 today. Good Christ, that is old. I can’t believe I have such a hag as one of my best friends. Oh well. Shit happens. I can’t wait to give B her special birthday stamps that Husband and I snapped up for her in the British Virgin Islands. I also snagged a special book for her at a street fair. Buzz buzz!

June 27 update: I forgot to mention the most important part: one of the special things about Steph's b-day is the escalating card competition between my mom and Steph over who can send a grosser or more offensive card. One point to my mom for sending Steph a brithday card with a picture of a urinating cat with his leg stuck in the air that says something about losing flexibility as one ages. Steph loved it, of course. Way to raise the bar, Mom!

The Power of Three

My new online pal (although that sounds creepy, it is not meant to be) Sister Wolf has an excellent theory on the shaved snatch issue. She takes it one step further and integrates the social pressure on women to shave their pits (something I only comply with if I am wearing sleeveless shirts to work). I cannot say it any better than she already did, so I will just quote her.
Men love our bodies, but they must first overcome their fear and loathing of our V area, which in the adult woman is covered with hair. Eeow, get rid of that hair, it’s too scary! If we wax it off for you, though, it will look like a child’s V area, which is harmless. Not only that, a waxed V area is naked in a sad, vulnerable kind of way, like a sheared lamb. If you disagree with this last point, on aesthetic grounds, okay (you pederast!) but before I would wax my precious V, I would have to say: “First wax your balls, pal and then we’ll talk about it.” Finally, there is female armpit hair, the scariest sight you can impose upon any man in the Western hemisphere. If you’re a woman with unshaven armpits, you are a woman with THREE PUSSIES, and few men are up to that challenge. My husband however is one of them, I am happy to report. But the average man will react like a vampire faced with the sign of a cross.
I just love the bons mots Sister Wolf threw out there. The triangle of hair spots image I have in my head is just priceless. Maybe it is like the Bermuda triangle, where people have ventured and disappeared among the islands of pleasure in the Caribbean Sea. (Speaking of triangles, Husband has a triangle theory regarding relationships, which I shall share this week.)

I also appreciate the Sister’s ball waxing bargain, although as both Impossible Jane and The Explorer (who sent me a or article eons ago about “smoothies,” ie – hetero men with no body hair) point out, men are falling prey to the hairless sickness. It used to be safe to offer to wax the poon if your guy would wax his scrotum, but these days you never know if they will take you up on it. I don’t want to be forced to live up to my end of the deal.

Male or female, just leave all the hair in place or pubic lice will become homeless. I don’t think I could handle an epidemic of homeless crabs at this point in my life.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Memories, All Alone In the Florescent Fitting Room Light

I read a hilarious list on Red Stapler of 10 things that piss Suebob off. Not to ruin it (you must read it yourself, it is great), but #10 is people who wear designer clothes and think they are god’s gift to earth as a result. (I'm paraphrasing here.)

Anyway, Suebob’s list brought on a flashback to my days of youth and stupidity. (As opposed to now, my days of hagdoom and stupidity.) Back when I was in 6th grade, my family could not afford designer anything, but I lived in a very affluent area where anyone who did not wear designer stuff stuck out like the Jewish white trash I was (and still am). This was awful to a girl going through puberty who wanted to be accepted and liked (as opposed to now, when I am not going through puberty, but still seek approval and affection from others, albeit in strange ways), and I hoped and hoped that one day Guess? jeans would be on sale or marked down enough that I could have a pair.

One day, during a back-to-school clothes shopping trip to Whiz Kids in Highland Park, I found the mythical Guess? jeans for $27. I begged my mom to stretch a bit so I could have a pair, and she agreed. Every time I wore the damn things, I made sure my pocket with the symbol was showing. Then one day I had an argument with a classmate and she rudely asked why I thought I was so great (which, as a side note, was totally not true - I had terrible self-esteem), and before I could stop myself, I said, "Because I wear Guess jeans." Immediately, I was mortified to have said such a thing. Years later, I found out the brothers behind Guess? were horrible sexist pigs when I read Backlash, the book that made me the raging feminist I am today, and to this day, they are second most expensive pair of jeans I ever owned. (The most expensive pair being Levi’s 518 Super Low Rise jeans that I bought for $29, but truly they are an amazing fit.)

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Only in New York, Mermaid Parade Edition

Despite yesterday’s rain in other parts of the city and metro area, the Mermaid Parade was a success. It drizzled a bit once or twice, but for the most part, the bark of the sky was much worse than its bite. Craberet was a bit diminished, as four out of nine of its “acts,” dropped out due to weather or family issues, but as can be seen above, the remaining troop still had fun. I was pleasantly surprised by how many marchers and watchers came despite the threat of thunderstorms and torrential downpours. (The only disappointment was that several of the crab legs fell off my costume before we even arrived at the parade.) Next year, my friend H. will not miss it due to attending her brother’s shotgun wedding in Chicago, and hopefully the weather will be more agreeable as well.

Since we had a lot of stuff with us as well as recorded music, Husband and I purchased a red Radio Flyer wagon to drag our stuff on during the parade. We were not sure where we would store it when we got home, as it was rather bulky and we have limited storage space. When we arrived at our stop on the subway, we decided to take the elevator up due to the wagon. An older couple and their daughter, who was about our age, joined us. The daughter turned to us suddenly and asked where we had bought the wagon, as she was looking for one for her friends’ kids. I told her that we got it at Toys R Us. After a moment of hesitation, I then blurted out, “Do you want it? It was 40 bucks, but we’ll give it to you for 20.” She was eager to buy it off us and insisted we take the full $40.

Only in New York would a random stranger buy a slightly used red wagon from a woman with a crab costume in the elevator of the subway.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Evil Twins

Everyone has an evil twin. When it comes to men, you always know the evil twin because he has a mustache or a scar on his face. When it comes to women, you can confidently identify the evil twin because she is chubbier than the good woman.I am Mia Farrow's evil twin from her Rosemary's Baby era.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Contest Time!

The Memoirists Collective on is having a memoir contest. Contestants are to submit up to 800 words in the first round. Prize: editors at three publishing houses read your manuscript. Here's my submission:

The problem with naturally enormous boobs is the tendency of gravity to suck them down to earth. Believe me, the sag can get rather ugly. At one point in my life, I was busting out of a DD bra. Letting the sisters hang free always posed a danger to my kneecaps. I exaggerate slightly, but when I sat down while braless, the girls were pretty much in my lap. If the Navy ran out of torpedoes, I could have donated my boobs to save the country.

Another challenge large breasts pose is heaviness. Even when holstered into place with a bra that had cups made out of Kevlar and straps as wide as an eight lane highway, my shoulder boulders really lived up to their name in that they weighed a ton. Thus one of the best decisions I ever made was my decision to have breast reduction surgery, or as I like to say, have most of my tits chopped off. I am only about five feet tall, and at least half my body appeared to be my boobs. It was very hard for me to carry around my chest and anything else, like a backpack or purse. My shoulders and neck hurt like hell and my bra straps were starting to dig canals into me. I was increasingly worried about finding a gondolier guiding tourists down my back some day.

While I was glad to be getting rid of my burden, I found plastic surgery a rather farcical experience. I was met at my initial appointment by the surgeon, a short, thin man who looked me up and down with beady brown eyes. Four long hairs were combed over his bald spot. His creepy human ferret look seemed like it would be more at home stalking a used car lot for prey, and yet he spent a fair amount of time telling me that I looked awful. I then posed for diagnostic photos topless while wearing pantyhose, not only highlighting that my breasts were stretched like taffy, but that my stomach exploded over the top of pantyhose like a mushroom cloud. To say the least, it was not the most body-affirmative experience I have ever had.

The Polaroids were sent to my insurance company as proof that I had the ugliest tits in America and that they needed to pay to fix them, lest I destroy the patriotic spirit of all red-blooded American males. While I was not pleased to have pictures of my naked torso and fat gut being shared with god knows how many people, I also did not worry that the pictures would wind up in the wrong hands. (Playboy was not going to be contacting me any time soon unless they wanted to blow a year of their airbrushing budget on one picture.) The insurance people agreed that I endangered my own health and the nation’s love of perky breasts, and they quickly approved the procedure.

I arrived at the hospital before dawn on the day of my surgery. The doctor came into the room to prep me. While he bent over and cheerfully drew purple lines all over my breasts, I stared at the whispy hairs across the center of his head and wondered what he would do if I got a brown marker and drew in more hair on his scalp. As he finished, a plastically attractive female anesthesiologist hooked me up to an IV. They grinned wolfishly and said I would be a new person when I awoke. As I drifted off, I hoped for the best.

The end result was amazing. At my follow up appointment, the surgeon stepped back to soak in the view as if I was a block of marble and he was Michelangelo sculpting “The Pieta,” then praised himself for his “work.” While I did not appreciate his ego, he did do a very good job transforming my droopy saddlebag old lady breasts into adorable and lovable little handfuls. It was literally a load off my shoulders, although for weeks afterward I had no feeling in my chest, which pretty much meant that anyone could cop a feel without me noticing. This made me a little paranoid when riding on a crowded subway, and anyone who inched a bit too close to me was the recipient of a nasty glare.

It has been over seven years since the surgery, and sometimes I search the internet to see if my pre-surgery pics appear on any saggy boobs fetish sites. Fortunately, the pictures seem to remain safely locked away in a bureaucratic storage facility somewhere, hopefully never to see the light of day again. I am free to run down the street without worrying about slapping myself in the face. I could not be happier.
Hopefully, I can stand out in what promises to be a huge crowd. Any suggestions are welcome. (And yes, I wrote this in a slightly different form back in November or so.)

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Scarlet Letter

Back in my high school career, I took AP American History. I highly enjoyed my class, although I refused to do the weekly mundane chapter outlines our teacher assigned. He claimed it would help us study for our exams and ultimately the AP test, but I found that I actually absorbed less of the material when I was constantly interrupting my reading to write crap down. It was babysitting, pure and simple. Despite all of my excellent test scores, I nearly got a C or D in the class since I had no points for doing my homework. In the end, I caved and did about 20 outlines at once, which sucked, and of course I never used them to study for my AP exam because I had other notes that were actually useful.

At any rate, one of the questions on the AP test asked about three ways that the Puritans still influence our country today (today being 1994). I wrote about the Puritan work ethic and capitalism and manifest destiny and all that “God smiles on hard (white) workers, so if you are rich, you must be good” shit. Then I hesitated. I really wanted to say that because the Puritans instituted a conservative religious fundamentalism in this nation, today we suffer from high rates of teen pregnancy, STD transmissions, and other ailments because quality sex education is not available in the majority of schools. It would be risky to take that path. I went ahead and blamed lack of sex ed on the Puritans. At the end of the exam, I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. Fortunately, I received a 5 out of 5.

As I was sitting in a conference session about poverty yesterday, one of the presenters mentioned that this country would rather piss away gazillions of dollars to lock people up than to spend pennies on the dollar to prevent certain social ills in the first place or to help people avoid repeating mistakes. Immediately I remembered my AP essay. Yes, another bad influence of the Puritans: poor (non-white) people are born evil, so it is only appropriate to punish them, regardless of the multitude of costs. Fucking Puritans.

I've Got Questions

Have you ever been in the middle of a haircut and all of a sudden you are certain that the guy cutting your hair, who is wearing a crop top and cut off jean shorts and has legs that are 50 times better shaved than yours,* is very likely not wearing underwear?

Have you ever feared that the guy cutting your hair might have an acid flashback and stab you in the neck with scissors?

Unless you are my friend V., I am guessing that the answer to both of these questions is a resounding no. I am also guessing that you would probably never go back to such a person if you did answer yes to either question. On the other hand, you might consider going every 5 or so weeks if you are a woman who has short hair and you think he gives good enough hair cuts that risking your life is worth it. If the quality of the cut does not convince you, how about this: he does it for a total of $40 (until this last visit, it was only $35!!!), which is freaking amazingly cheap for the City.

Is it wrong that I am not unslightly fearful that he will somehow come across this blog and refuse to cut my hair in the future or worse, give me a horrid cut as retribution?

*For the record, it is possible that his legs are shaved as bare as a baby’s ass so that his tattoo can be more clearly seen. On the other hand, he does not shave his very hairy arms so that those tattoos are more visible. Not that I object to guys shaving their legs, but it was definitely unexpected.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Yeeee Haaaaw

The one rule that almost all New Yorkers live by is to avoid Times Square at all costs. Times Square is the bane of existence for a fast-paced New Yorker. There are people everywhere and 92% move along at a snails pace, staring up at the big buildings and overwhelmed by the sea of humanity that surrounds them. It can drive a harried person up a wall. This afternoon I ignored the #1 rule of life and cut through Times Square on my way home from a conference. As I was cursing my stupidity and the gawking tourists around me, I came face to face with the Naked Singing Cowboy. (Actually, he might just be the Naked Cowboy. I’m not so sure that he sings.)

The Naked [Singing] Cowboy is infamous as a living tourist trap. Basically, he walks around Times Square in tighty-whities, cowboy boots, and a cowboy hat. He also carries a guitar. New Yorkers completely ignore him, as if everyone walks around in their underwear and there is nothing unusual going on. Female tourists, however, go nuts over him. They point and giggle and eventually approach him. They love taking pictures with him. This is where the tourist trap part comes in, as he charges them $5 to be photographed with him. I heard he can make quite a lot of money in one day. Pretty damn clever. I’m sure the ladies at home go ga-ga when they see the pictures. In the end, everyone is happy.

Got Germs?

If cleanliness is next to godliness, then the Mets occupy an inner circle of hell. Usually the women’s bathrooms in stadiums have long lines and waits to use the toilet. The Mets solved this problem. The bathroom I used on the upper deck level last night had about 25 toilets. I walked right in and an empty stall awaited me. After I did my business, I went to wash my hands. That is when I noticed that the entire bathroom had a whopping two sinks. There is also a trough, but I could not figure out what purpose it served. My friend suggested that it might be a vomitorium, which seems like a logical thing to have in the bathroom of a stadium.

I waited in line for one of the limited sinks which overall had the effect of discouraging people from washing their hands. Thus that I benefited from a brand new soap dispenser and ample paper towels. Still, it is pretty disturbing that the Mets organization just assumes that people don't wash their hands after they go to the bathroom so it is OK to save money by not putting sinks in the rest rooms. Studies have found that only a very small amount of men wash their hands after toileting themselves, but encouraging this practice by putting only one sink in the men's room (as my friend mentioned was the case; he waited in line for the single sink, and the only person in line in front or behind him was the guy actually using it...).

Think about that next time you shake hands with a guy - He may have recently shook himself off before he shook with you.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Andy, Me, and MTV

Every day I learn something new. Today while I was reading an Entertainment Weekly from weeks ago, I learned that Anderson Cooper and I have something in common. Generally, I find Anderson Cooper highly irritating and self-important. (No, this is not what we have in common.) However, the little article on him mentioned that his guilty pleasure is watching My Super Sweet 16 and Tiara Girls on MTV. I like watching these shows while I work out at the gym. (Mindless entertainment is very good for prolonging exercising.) We both even like them for the same reason. As Anderson said,
[It’s] jaw-dropping and mind-numbing… On the second season of My Super Sweet 16, all the really horrible girls has seen the first season and were trying to top them in horribleness. On Tiara Girls, there’s a fresh level of horror.
If you are not familiar with these shows, My Super Sweet 16 features disturbingly spoiled young bitches (little Paris Hiltons, really) as they plan their sweet 16 birthday parties and spend more money than the entire gross domestic product of small third world countries. Once in a blue moon, a young prince is featured as he plans his grand entrance into the world, but everyone knows that the show is better when it highlights the ugliest of female stereotypes. Tiara Girls is about teenage girls entering beauty pageants and the $100 per hour gay coaches who teach them to smile properly while giving sincere-sounding speeches. (Does learning about these types of high-paying jobs make you sad that you didn't know about them when you went to college? Me too.)

These shows are the epitome of post-feminist entertainment. As Andy said, Jaw-dropping! A fresh level of horror! I love it. I really could not describe it better myself.

Monday, June 19, 2006

The Invisible Criminal Shopper

I took a break from the pressing business of updating my blog template to run some errands this afternoon. As I was walking around my sweltering neighborhood, I noticed that some fancy/trendy boutiques were having sales. My unholy love for Nanette Lapore clothes compelled me to enter the shops and poke around. The good news is that several Nanette items were indeed on sale. The bad news is that a skirt that I loved still cost $250. It’s criminal, I tell you.

Speaking of criminals, from the way the saleswomen stared at me as I browsed for a steal, you’d have thought that I might try to stuff something down my $17 Gap denim skirt and sneak out. Either I was tracked through the store by the evil eye or I was ignored completely. In the stores where I seemed to be invisible, I suspected that actually talking to someone who worked there or worse, another customer, would render them an Untouchable.

Is there something wrong with the fact that I was treated more politely and with more respect when I was browsing among fake vaginas in the local sex shop yesterday than when I was looking at fancy skirts at a few boutiques today? Our neighborhoods might be more livable if we had more sex shops and less bitchy boutiques.

Good Sales Help Like This is Hard to Find

Yesterday I decided to stop by the local sex shop for red fishnet stockings to complete my costume for the Mermaid Parade on Saturday. (I have the crab shell and oven mitt claws in place from last year (and the year before), and I picked up a red sequin bowtie at a costume and card shop a few blocks away from my apartment.) I had a sneaking suspicion that they would have just what I was looking for.

As I walked in, I immediately spotted a disembodied mannequin leg sporting red fishnets. Excitedly, I scanned all the sex costumes hanging up on the wall. I had to move around a guy who was kneeling to browse through all the DVD on sale (50% off!), but eventually near the back I found black fishnets and orange fishnets. Hmmm…

Doubling back around the bargain shopper, I made my way to the counter. The cashier was chatting away in some foreign language, but hung up when he noticed me. “Can I help you miss?” (I love that the cashier in a sex shop politely called me “miss.”) I told him I was looking for red fishnets and he said to look in the back. I figured I might have missed them on my first pass, so I snuck by the bargain shopper again. There was nothing but fake vaginas and a pair of fake boobs that were marketed as “Heavenly Handfuls.”

After ringing up the DVD purchases from the other customer, the cashier also came to look, and noticed that they were out of stock. “Why don’t you get a pair in black?” he helpfully suggested. “Black goes with everything!” I thanked him for his fashion tip, but told him I really needed red ones for my crab costume. He nodded understandingly, and I was on my way.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Thank goodness the Bushies are making this country safer!

For every day that the planned cyanide attack was averted (it was called off 45 days before the set date), the Bush administration cut anti-terrorism funding to New York City by almost 1% (the budget was reduced by about 40%). See? No money is being wasted since the attack was cancelled.

No need to worry, good lady citizens of NYC. Gas masks look awesome with mini skirts and stiletto heels! (They cover chin hairs and 'staches nicely, too, so I can slack off on my plucking!) Get one now and be ahead of the trend!


Spoiler Alert! If you have not seen "X-Men: The Last Stand" and intend to do so and do not want to know how it ends, do not read on.

I went to see the new X-Men movie last night. I had really liked the second moive, and never seen the first one so I can't comment on it. This installment was not nearly as good as the previous one. Sure, it was entertaining, but not quite $10.75 of entertainment and the end annoyed me. (Yeah - movies are now $10.75 in Manhattan. I understand theaters are barely hanging in there, but every time I go it is 25 cents more to see a film. At what point is this a self-defeating proposal - need to raise prices to make money, but raise them so high that no one goes any more? Anyway, I'm not sure how many movies I'll see this summer at that price. Certainly for the new Pirates of the Carribean flick and Snakes on a Plane. I loved Clerks and the preview for Clerks II did look great, but I may have to rent that sucker. End of digression.)

Anyway, X-Men: The Last Stand is again on of those us-against-them, good-vs.-evil films in which you can sort of feel like the good guys triumphed. Yet it was also about man's redemptive/deathly love for woman. As The Explorer pointed out, wasn't it great that Wolverine saved Jean Grey (and the world) by admitting his love for her, which then leads her to die? If it was done well, it could've been touching, but I heard giggles and I don't think that it brought a fuckin' tear to anyone's eye. A super macho director like Brett Ratner just had no idea how to pull it off.

The final verdict: cool that the most powerful mutant is a woman, sucks that she can't control it and it (and the love of Wolverine, who tries to help her get control over her powers) kills her.

When There's A Will, Some Like to Get Others to Take the Way for Them

There is a blog – I won’t name names – that I despise for a variety of reasons. However, I check it from time to time because I like frustrating myself and I can't help but want to know what ridiculous crap is expounded upon as if there is some wisdom behind it, which then enrages me. Not long ago, a post ended by posing a question: if women can use their feminine charms to get men to serve us, why should we ever do anything for ourselves?

Oh, I don’t know – maybe for self-respect? Self-determination? Pride in one’s abilities? A sense of accomplishment?

Silly moi!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Come on Down!

An article about The Price is Right in the New York Times Arts section caught my eye on Tuesday as I was looking for the crossword puzzle (which, annoyingly I did not finish – I swear senility is setting in folks). When my sister and I were growing up, we loooooved The Price is Right. As the Times article asks:
Who under 50… did not spend dozens of childhood mornings zoned out on the couch, playing along with the Dice Game or screaming at the fool from San Diego about to overbid on a bag of corn chips?
Sister and I can do one better than that. It was just that much more fun to cheer on contestants when you pretended that you were related to them. For example, we might decide that an elderly contestant was our grandfather. Helping “Grandpa” win by shouting at the TV was about as effective as my dad yelling at the Bears to make certain plays, but it really did add an extra level of excitement. (However, the entire house did not shake in the same way when we jumped up and down while watching Price as it did when my dad did so as he watched the Bears.) Ah, those were the days, I tell ya.

Beyond evoking warm-fuzzy childhood memories of wasting away in front of the tube, the Price article also made some surprisingly good points about the type of contestants on many game shows these days. Bob Barker himself noted:
On most game shows today you will see contestants between 20 and 45 who are physically attractive. We have people on 'The Price Is Right' who are between 20 and 45 who are physically attractive too…But we have people who, when they became 18, the first thing they did was come to 'The Price Is Right,' and I had a big winner on a recent show who was 95. We deliberately select contestants that are black, white and brown. We deliberately pick contestants from all over the United States. We have fat people, thin, short, tall, you name it.
Seriously, when was the last time that a fat woman appeared on TV unless it was a weight loss show or talk show episode that highlighted the deviant status of women who did not fit the paradigm of womanliness in popular culture? (Of which being fat was usually only one sin; the others usually include being poor and/or not white, such as the ever popular and classic “You Dress Too Sexy for Your Weight.”)

We’ve hit a sad state of affairs when I’m looking at The Price is Right as a model of positive television.

Friday, June 16, 2006

I'll Just Use Nice 'n Easy When the Time Comes

OK, so my friend GynaGirl got me thinking about a potentially useful purpose of snatch waxing. It seems that pubic hair can go grey. Like GynaGirl, I hate being faced with my impending elderly status, so if all my pubes were missing, I would never need to see a grey one. Makes sense, right?

Nah, not worth it. I already know that I am getting old because I am increasingly senile. If I find a grey pube, the odds are pretty damn high at this point that I won’t remember it for long.

Isn't Servitude and Insanity Romantic?

While I was steaming over the fucked up plot of Tess of the D’Urbervilles, I was reminded of my overall general hatred of books hailing from the late 1800s and early 1900s. It’s partly the pre-feminist plots that drive me up a wall (like chick lit today), but also the language barrier and mannerisms that keep me far, far away (again, like chick lit today…). I’ve never read any Jane Austen, Thomas Hardy, Edith Wharton, Henry James, etc. I can’t relate to any of the characters, and while I do love history, I find the style completely alienating.

I did read books by two out of the three Brontë sisters, though, when I was a teen. I suppose I was drawn in by all that Gothic moodiness. I re-read Jane Eyre for a college paper about 10 years ago (my how time flies), and at that point I noticed what a demented it book it is. Damn, Jane’s decision to stick by that old blind asshole Rochester irks me to no end. The guy fucking locked up his first wife (Bertha) in an attic. Whether Bertha really was insane before being locked up or not (and Jean Rhys has an amazing book, The Wide Sargasso Sea which takes Bertha’s point of view – I highly recommend it to anyone who read Jane Eyre), being shut in an attic would certainly drive anyone certifiably insane. (For more proof on this point, read Flowers in the Attic by VC Andrews. It’s a twisted tale about four kids who are banished to an attic in their eeeeevil granny’s house when their dad dies. However, do not – I repeat, do not read any of the sequels, as they are progressively trashier and imbecilic.) On the flippant side of the coin, I also feel for Bertha because her name is Bertha for god’s sake and that is a name that is definitely going to get a girl tormented by other kids when you are young, possibly even driving one insane.

The point is that Jane is a stupid cunt and if Rochester wasn’t completely dependent on her to care for him (yeah, that sounds like a great relationship), he’d probably get tired of her and hide her away so another he can get some fresh meat from another young dumb governess.

On the other hand, there can be some value if these books are read for what they are, which is a product of their times. They serve as nice reminders of why conservatives are flat out dead wrong when they look to the past as a model of the future. (If Bush isn't that asshole head of the orphanage in Jane, I don't know what he is.) If everyone understands the past, there might be more resistance to going back to the "good old" days.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Literature My Ass

Thomas Hardy’s book Tess of the d’Urbervilles has to be one of the worst pieces of anti-woman “literature” in the last 100 or so years. Basically:

Tess’s family is poor and her mom thinks they have a distant cousin who is wealthy, so Tess is sent to his estate to ask for help. He helps all right – helps himself to sex with her against her wishes. Of course, this ruins Tess’s reputation and she goes back to her parents surrounded by malicious gossip. When she has a rape baby, it of course dies immediately to punish Tess for being a whore. Then Tess moves to get work on a diary farm. The hot farm guy falls in love with her and vice versa, and the get married. On their wedding night, he confesses that he once fucked some other chick. She then tells him she was raped. He tells her his image of her purity is ruined and he can’t be with her since she is not pure. She pines away from him, then goes back to live with her rapist so that he will support her now widowed mother. Then he admits he lied to her about various shit, and she stabs and kills him. After that, her husband takes her back, but she is arrested for killing the fucking asshole and I think is hanged.

I say that I think she gets hanged because I would never read such a vile piece of trash. However, last night one of my extremely talented college roommates premiered 50 minutes of amazing music and songs from the musical she has written based on the book. (My other extremely talented college roommate is a muralist.) The performances were fantastic and while I am not a huge fan of musicals (the fact that Coed Prison Sluts is my all time favorite musical should indicate my level of taste in these matters), I do think she could eventually wind up with this thing on Broadway.

Still, what the fuck is with the book? Husband and Brother-in-Law got rather annoyed with me as I muttered about how fucked up the storyline is and rolled my eyes dramatically. I think she should modernize the plot a bit first. Little girls should not go around dreaming about being with a judgmental hypocrite fuck for a husband, nor should they be afraid to take action against rapists.

Everybody Loves FREE Underwear!

When I got the mail yesterday evening, I was surprised to find an envelope from Mother-in-Law (MiL). Whatever could this be? I wondered. Once inside my apartment (mere steps from the mailboxes in our building), I greedily ripped it open. It was a coupon for a FREE pair of cotton undies from the Victoria’s Secret PINK collection (solid colors only; up to $7.50 value), with a cute note from MiL indicating that she felt too old for Victoria’s Secret. (PS – You are not. They actually have decent cotton undies, as demonstrated by Theo and the Giant Stuffed Penis on Thursday, December 22, but thank you for the coupon.) I can choose from bikini, string bikini, thong, or v-string in black, white, or pink. Cool! I so love free underwear!

The first step is to determine what the hell makes PINK collection underwear so special. You’d think maybe the undies are all pink, but a quick check of my favorite online purveyor of underwear revealed that, no, they are not. They also seem to have nothing in common at all other than the slogan “Victoria’s Secret PINK panties inspire panty envy.” As I looked at the pictures of PINK underpants, I did not notice the underwear that I was wearing getting jealous at all. Maybe they inspire panty envy from women who are not wearing underwear at all.

Since there is no way in hell that I am buying a thong or v-string, that leaves me with two choices: bikini or string bikini. I happen to have made the mistake of purchasing string bikini undies from Victoria’s Secret several years ago (see the last picture, December 7, 2006 - Dr. P and I split a 5-for-$20 deal), and there is not much that is sexy about my flab hanging out over the tops and bottoms of the string as it cuts into my fat hips. (Trust me, Theo looks way better.) That leaves me with a new pair of pink bikini undies! Very exciting stuff. Thanks MiL!!!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Happy Flag Day to My Fellow Pinko Commie Scum

So it's Flag Day today. Whoop-de-doo. Does anyone except the Fraunces Tavern Museum celebrate this? I wrote about the Tavern a while back(November 22, 2005) as part of my short-lived "Museum Mondays" series. A quick recap, in honor of Flag Day:
The museum is two stories and is operated by the New York State chapter of the Sons of the Revolution. It is a highly amusing mix of reproductions, photographs of historic statues and plaques, and tschotchkes spread over two floors. The money shot of shrines, though, is the one dedicated to George Washington. There is a fragment of George Washington’s coffin in a tin case and a chunk of George Washington’s pew from St. Paul’s Church. If you have ever wondered what the original GW looked like under his powdered wig, here’s your answer: a locket of George Washington’s hair is encased in a circular glass frame. (Who knew it was reddish brown?) There is also a fragment of George’s tooth encased in a locket, under a magnifying the glass. The tooth came from George’s denture. I’ll warn you that it is a little on the decayed side and leave it at that.

Finally, in what may be the most pointless museum display ever, there is a shrine to Flag Day amongst all the historical ephemera. A glass case is filled with miniature American flags and pictures of the Flag Day Parade on June 14, 2001. Long live Flag Day!
Out of curiosity, when you read the news, how many of you also have an urge to celebrate Flag Day and "the spread of democracy" in Iraq by burning the flag and pissing off conservatives?

I Hope It Won't Need Braces

This picture caught my eye in last Tuesday's NY Times:You are looking at a tumor with a fucking human tooth. The article is all about tumors that grow teeth, hair, and bones. A choice excerpt:
A tumor's encroachment is always terrifying, but teratomas, literally "monster tumors," exert a macabre hold on the imagination because they contain human elements remixed with Frankensteinian logic. It is not unusual for a teratoma to contain patches of hair, errant wedges of cartilage and even fully formed teeth... Teratomas' most fascinating quality, Dr. Skorecki said, is their capacity to generate a smorgasbord of human tissue varieties, including bones, skin and ligaments... the teratomas then degenerate... into hodgepodges of hair, fingernails and teeth.
The good news is that we might one day be able to use them to treat diseases like alzheimers, according to the article. The bad news is that it entails working with totally creepy tumors.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Got Yogurt?

When I returned from DC, I noticed that Husband's paranoid fear that we might run out of yogurt (yes, seriously - yogurt) had run amok while I was gone. Here's to strong bones and let's just hope the power doesn't go out any time soon.

Bad Puns Needed!

Saturday, June 24 is the infamous Mermaid Parade! For the past five years, I have marched in the parade as part of a mermaid soul train (we played and danced to great soul classics, my favorite being "25 Miles from Home" by Edwinn Starr), but my friend who usually organizes our group is going to be at her brother's shotgun wedding that weekend, so I have taken on the organizing task.

Our group thus far consists of Husband as a hula woman, various friends as mermaids, a few unknown costumes, and me as my usual self, a crab. I am trying to think of a good name that will encompass our little gang, and thus far I only have:
- Ocean's 9 (this won't work if more or less people than anticipated show up)
- Craberet (none of us will be degenerate or German, though it does encompass a variety of acts, so to speak)
- Lei'd on the Boardwalk
- The Island of Misfit Sea Creatures

Here are pics of Husband and I from last year's parade for inspiration:
Any other suggestions?

Makin' Tracks

As I used the bathroom on the train down to DC on Thursday afternoon, I noticed its roominess, especially compared to airplanes. If people were not so caught up in making the “mile-high club,” they might take better advantage of the facilities on trains. Not that I really want to encourage this, but I do like the potential for pick up lines: “Hey baby, want to be a part of my track record?” Track record, get it? Ha ha ha. Man, I love the cheesy puns, oh yes I do.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Maybe There is a God...

My mom and I had passes to view the Senate in "action" today (we observed several Republicans - Frist, Specter, and Stevens - come to priase Sen. Byrd as the longest serving Senator), but we were unable to get passes to tour the Capitol building itself. This disappointed my mom a bit, as she was very interested in seeing the Rotunda. I decided that it couldn't hurt to ask a Capitol police officer if we could walk over to the Rotunda even though we were not part of any official tour groups. As I expected, he said no. Then he shocked us by offering to take us around himself. And did I mention that he was not just a Capitol police officer, but an extremely good-looking one? Oh, my mom and I were pleased. We giggled a lot.

We saw the Old Hall of Statues, the Rotunda, the Members entrance to the House Chambers, and the secret office of the Speaker of the House. He also tried to sneak us into a room to view the catalaph (I think I spelled that wrong, but it is bascially the thing that they put the casket of dead presidents on while they lie in state in the Rotunda), but discovered that some people were repairing it and he couldn't bring us in. At the end, we thanked him over and over again, and he flashed a brilliant smile of perfect choppers.

My mom said it was the highlight of her trip.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Romping in DC

Thursday afternoon I took Amtrak down to DC. I had a very nice evening with my friend M. M. showed me some of the ridiculous responses that she received from a personal ad on Craigslist. She gave me the brilliant idea of posting ads as well. I will post one as a SWM seeking SWF, and a SWF seeking SWM, and we’ll see which gender sends more ridiculous responses overall.

My mom and I had a very nice day in DC yesterday. We had the good fortune to be inside all three times that storms moved in suddenly and it began pouring. Husband insisted that the first rain storm was a hurricane with winds off the Beaufort scale. He was most displeased that he had to buy a shitty umbrella in the gift shop for $13.

We spent most of the day at the National Museum of American History. We did not budget our time well, and as a result were not able to see the exhibit on lunchboxes in the cafeteria. Oh well. We did catch an awesome exhibit on mass transit, which included a 1950s el car. When you go it, it simulated the movement of the train. We also spent a good deal of time looking at the gowns of the First Ladies. Let’s just say that there were some interesting threads worn in the past. I also learned that Betty Ford was a rocking feminist. She gave a controversial interview on 60 Minutes where she spoke about abortion rights, premarital sex, and women’s health. In addition, she supported the ERA. It all went downhill after Reagan, though. So sad.

Today is the day of depressing activities. Mom and I are heading to the Holocaust Memorial Museum and then the Vietnam Memorial. People are really savages. I don’t know why we pretend we are civilized.

Thursday, June 8, 2006

A CUSS Aphorism

"A beaver with the bush is worth two in the hand."

(Would that not be a great fortune cookie fortune?)

Word Search Search Term Weekend Fun

Steph gave my mom a word search book shaped like a toilet last year for the holidays. My mom was annoyed because many of the words were spelled improperly, but Steph said she should not expect more from a book bought at a dollar store.

For no apparent reason, I was thinking about this while I was trying to go to bed recently. It occurred to me that it would be fun to have a word search game using the terms that people have typed into search engines that led them to CUSS & Other Rants. It seemed like a fun activity I could leave you with while I am off gallivanting in DC this weekend, since I am not sure if I will have any time to write.

The search terms listed below are the 25 most common things that people have typed in to a search engine that led them to CUSS. Since most terms were phrases that used repetitive words like snatch, ignore the words in brackets. As in a typical word search, words can be up, down, across, diagonal, and backwards in the search puzzle below. If you want to do the puzzle, click on the link puzzle.doc. You will go to a new window as a word document. I recommend printing the page.

Have fun!

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Dear Ann, You Rock!

How much do I love ? Let me count the ways (all quotes from the June 7, 2006 New York Daily News, not a liberal paper by any means):

1."I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much," Coulter writes in her new book. [about four women in New Jersey who pushed hard for an investigation of 9/11 after their husbands died]

2.She believes that no one, much less the New Jersey widows, have the right to criticize President Bush or any of the failures that led to the terror attacks. Because:

3.“These women got paid. They ought to take their money and shut up about it.”. At any rate:

4."…how do we know their husbands weren't planning to divorce these harpies? Now that their shelf life is dwindling, they'd better hurry up and appear in Playboy. . .

5."These self-obsessed women seemed genuinely unaware that 9/11 was an attack on our nation…” (I guess they neither have the right to grieve or call for political action as a result.). On a related topic:

6."Even Islamic terrorists don't hate America like liberals do," she once wrote. And:

7."We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity

Man, oh, man. Keep running your mouth, pretty little Ann. “Unattractive, hairy-legged, feminist” liberal traitors like me love it when you offend most of America with your stupidity. Although I guess she got something right. The Daily News reminded me that she once wrote that, “Liberals… want to take more of our money, kill babies..."

I do so love killing babies. Passover Matzo tastes so much better that way. Oh, sorry -- I got being Jewish and liberal confused. As a liberal, I just love killing babies, not just for religious purposes. The religious killing is from my Jewish side that needs to be converted to Christianity. My bad.

Lincoln Debate, Minus Douglas

A few weeks ago, my mom wistfully mentioned that she had never been to DC before. I asked her if she would like to go, and we settled on this upcoming weekend. Husband is going to meet us there also after he does some business in Baltimore. While I generally dislike DC, I am looking forward to this weekend. I think we are going to have a great time.

On Sunday, Husband and I were chatting about the trip, and I mentioned that the Lincoln Memorial is supposed to be awesome at night. For some reason, we then started talking about the statue of Lincoln itself. I said it was made out of copper. Husband said it was made out of concrete. I insisted it could not be made out of concrete. Only Albany, the capital of New York, makes statues and monuments out of concrete. (The State University of New York at Albany has the second largest contiguous concrete structure in North America, next to the Pentagon. Albany is also home to the Egg, a giant concrete egg-shaped theater that seats thousands.) Husband said maybe it was made out of marble. I said copper or bronze.

I looked it up today, and Lincoln is carved from 28 blocks of marble. When I am wrong, I say I’m wrong. You look beautiful up there -- sorry, Dirty Dancing flashback. I was wrong. Pennies with a picture of the Lincoln Memorial are made out of copper, not the President himself. As for colleges, Husband told me that SUNY Albany’s claim to fame makes it only the second least attractive come-on for among New York state colleges; Cornell folks tell prospective students that its campus has a giant gorge where people kill themselves every year. I hope it is not over losing stupid bets.

Tuesday, June 6, 2006

What the Fuck is Going on?

In the last 13 hours, 9 different internet users have visited CUSS after typing snatch temple into a search browser. This is in addition to two searchers for snatch chapel and one for snatch church prostitute. (What is slightly scary is that this site is the second listed by MSN when you search for snatch chapel.) Can someone please tell me what this latest trend is?

The timing is good though, because I started working a CUSS search term word search. I hope to have it up by Thursday. Word searches are a great way to spend time while on the crapper, and what could be more fun than a word search based on real words that people typed into search engines that led them to CUSS?


No one seemed to notice my patchy sideburns at the fancy schmancy NYU “Young Alumni Leaders Circle” Patron level (I wish I was being sarcastic when I wrote that) event tonight. This was probably because our hosts’ apartment was on Fifth Avenue facing Central Park. The views of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the reservoir, the obelisk, and the park in general were stunning.

The apartment itself was fascinating. We were mostly in the formal living room, which was filled with fancy expensive furniture and modern art. No one sat down the entire night. I almost sat on a pristine white chaise-divan thing just to see if anyone of the help would shoo me off. Also, everyone was afraid to put their drinks down on the fancy tables. No coasters were in sight. I thought our fuzzy leopard print coasters would go well with the understated modern furnishings, but oh well. My favorite piece of art was a small statue on an end table in the hall outside the apartment. It seemed to be of Theodore Roosevelt on a horse wearing a giant Cossack fur hat with some feathers hanging down. When no one opened the door at first, I suggested that we use it to bang louder so that they would hear us. Husband gave me a dirty look.

Initially, I was my surly usual self, not very good at networking. I hung around by Husband mostly. After we’d been there about 30 minutes, the trustee of NYU who hosted the event made a speech about how NYU nurtures students in their nest and teaches them to fly. I approached her a bit later and told her that in my experience, NYU breaks your wings and throws you off the mountain to die. She patiently listened while I explained that the administration works for its convenience, not for the benefit of the students. Then we went off to find Husband so she could thank him for bringing me. She was probably wondering how to prevent him from ever doing so again and yet still get him to donate to the school.

Not long after I chatted her up, I went to use the facilities. I was disturbed to find that the bathroom door, which was disguised to blend in with the bedroom wall when it was closed, would not stay shut. Just as I left a zillion fingerprints on the mirror on the inside of the door and was giving up, one of NYU’s development staff offered to stand guard for me. I went to do my business when I realized that the apartment across the way had a direct view of the throne from their kitchen. Closer examination revealed that there was no shade to pull down. I wondered how they used the shower, which had a clear glass door. Did they just wave if their neighbor was puttering around the kitchen while they washed their naughty bits? I decided that is what I would do if someone saw me on the toilet.

All in all, I am not sure that I would go to another one of these events, but I was pleased. The hors d’oerves were tasty (little juicy hamburgers on brioche rolls – amazing, and yet quite messy), I had the chance to bitch about NYU to a muckety-muck, and the opportunity to see how the other half lives was worthwhile, but I really still hate NYU and networking events make me nervous. At least no one mentioned my uneven facial hair.

That Ain't No Milk Mustache from NYU

This morning I decided to trim my ‘stache and sideburns before I went out in public. I snipped away with my awesome stainless steel Little Twin Star scissors that I got for my birthday when I was in the 4th grade (these are really great scissors) helter skelter. Unfortunately, when I went to the bathroom at work this afternoon, I saw that I cut an uneven patch away. I’m not sure that it is too noticeable, as no one has said anything to me thus far. (Although, really, what are my co-workers going to say, “Hey Suzanne, what’s up with your random side bald patches?” I don’t think so.) I’m curious if I will look presentable at the fancy schmancy NYU alumni leaders event that Husband is bringing me to tonight at some rich person’s apartment on the Upper East. I’ve never gone with him in the past because I loathe NYU for taking the one closet in the room that I shared with two other women and boarding it up in March 1997 so that they could install fiber optics in it over the summer. Over the summer, people! What the fuck you got to take our fucking closet for 3 months in advance! They are such fucking assholes. My parents are hardworking people who scrimped and saved to send me to that fucking school and have me live in a basic room, which includes a closet, while I studied. Until NYU repays my parents for a fair share of the money they spent to get me a dorm room with a closet for a full semester, I will be their sworn enemy.

What Can I Do with the Rest of My Life? (I'm Seriously Seeking Suggestions)

Hi, my name is Suzanne. I am 30 years old and I do not know what I want to do “when I grow up.” People, like career counselors and other assorted people who tell other people what do to for a living for a living, always say that you should do what you are good at and what you enjoy. I am good at complaining, and I enjoy it. However, I am not sure that I can make a career out of that.

Oh, I used to know exactly what I wanted to do for a living. As the grandchild of Holocaust survivors, my lifelong impulse has been to do things to improve the lives of marginalized populations, a.k.a. “help people.” When I was in junior high, L.A. Law was my fave show. I wanted to be a prosecutor just like Susan Dey. I truly believed that I could help people by locking up those who menace innocent regular folks. I was also intrigued by public interest attorneys who worked on children’s rights issues and welfare law. Now that is helping people, one at a time.

In college, I had an internship in Illinois State government. I worked there two summers, and witnessed the creation and passage of a new subsidy program to help working families and kids. Public policy seemed to be a much more effective way to help people than public interest law, and I was hooked. I dropped out of law school after two days when I figured out that my heart was not in it any more. (This was one of the three best decisions I ever made. I highly encourage others to do the same if they find that they really are not sure that law is right for them.)

I have a Masters in Public Policy and Administration, and nine years of working for families and kids under my belt. I’m good at public policy. I have helped a lot of kids. Yet public policy is no solution in the end. Partisan idiots never do the right thing, and not enough kids get the services that they deserve. On top of that, every asshole on the planet thinks that he or she is somehow an expert, although few of them have any experience or education that can back them up. Somehow, these fucks are the people who wind up influencing policy, not those of us who actually know what we are talking about. Throw in bureaucratic ineptitude and institutionalized stupidity, and working to help people does not make me happy. It only makes me extremely frustrated and angry because I know things could be done more efficiently and kids could get more. I also know that people pretend to care about kids because it looks good, but in reality they couldn’t care less if they tried.

I enjoy my attempts to write humorous and nasty little stories. However, I have noticed that only a select few share my sense of humor and interests. This does not strike me as leading to a viable career path. Plus, I crave social contact, and cannot imagine working by myself at home every day.

Once in a while, I consider a job as a freak in a circus sideshow, but I think I would miss my family and friends too much since I would always be traveling. I like baked goods, but I do not think I can work in a bakery because 1) I’d eat too much; 2) I hate actually cooking; and 3) my one attempt to work in food service (as the attendant in a half-way house on a country club golf course serving sandwiches, hot dogs, and beverages to rich people) did not go very well. Most service jobs are also out of the question because I am not very good at ringing things up properly. (Learned from past experience at a Sherwin Williams paint store, a small stationary and paper supply store, and at Blockbuster, a job I did love but was about to be fired from because my register was off by more than $3 three times.) Sometimes I think I would like working in a craft store (of which there are not many in Manhattan) or Home Depot, but then I get annoyed that I would be wasting my degree, and I’d feel guilty about taking a job that someone else really needs when I could be doing other things that they might not be able to.

I did apply to be a fruit and vegetable market reporter for the FDA about two years ago, and while the Government Services Administration deemed me to be very qualified, they never called. This is probably good because the job involved being at the Hunts Point Market in the Bronx by 5 am. I am not sure I could get up at 3:30 am five days a week or that taking the subway to the Bronx by myself at 4:15 am would be terribly smart (although probably fine).

My favorite random job in high school also does not lead to any future career potential. I was the helper at a tiny Jungian psychology publishing company. I processed orders (at the time, they did not have a computer, so I typed invoices on triplicate forms, and had poor typing skills, so by the time I corrected everything it was impossible to read on the yellow and pink forms, which unfortunately the customer copies), packed up books, and arranged for shipping either via UPS (pick up was at the pharmacy downstairs) or post office (stamps were also purchased downstairs at the pharmacy). The office manager was very nice, but also not the brightest bulb in the bunch. (Once I asked her to get more 10 cent stamps and she came back excited that she got a good deal – a 100 stamps for only $1! I pointed out that they were only a buck because she bought 100 1 cent stamps.) When I had large orders, I would scrounge for boxes in the back of the pharmacy. I really liked using tampon, diaper, or adult diaper boxes. After the San Francisco Jungian Society complained that they did not like getting books in Tampax Tampon boxes, I was not allowed to do so any more. Still, those were good times.

Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions for me, I am all ears.

Monday, June 5, 2006

I Love It Behind the Scenes!

I went to meet an acquaintance who works at the American Museum of Natural History this afternoon, and she gave me a behind-the-scenes tour of the bird department of the museum. I cannot tell you how lucky I feel to have had this unique opportunity. It reminded me a lot of the behind-the-scenes tour I had at the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston a few years ago, only this time all the birds were dead. In fact, some had even been dead for over a hundred years.

The first things my friend showed me were the dead birds in formaldehyde. Some of the specimens had been preserved for many decades. The really old ones were in super funky vats with crazy pressurized lids. Those intrigued me most. My friend said that a few weeks ago, a co-worker picked up one of the antique specimens and the jar shattered. How disgusting would it be to be splattered with reeking old formaldehyde and dead bird leakage?!?! Mad gross. Anyway, the specimens came in various sizes and were suitably gross looking. I asked my friend if there was any DNA left in these birds, or if the formaldehyde destroyed it. She said that it was definitely destroyed. (Not that you should remember this if you want to commit a murder or other heinous crime.)

Next we went to the boxes where the museum kept the bird skeletons. When the museum wants to preserve only the skeleton of a bird, they throw the corpse into a tank of flesh eating beetles. By the time the beetles are done, all of the juicy bits are gone. Brains, muscles, eyes – everything but the skeleton, which is very clean. One skeleton had something rattling around in its skull, and when we looked in, my friend noticed a bit of brain that the beetles missed.

Finally, I saw the stuffed birds. I learned that before 1970, birds were stuffed with arsenic. One of the birds that she showed me was a sea bird. It had a funky ridge in its beak to sort out some of the salt from the water and air. It was able to touch it a bit, and it was quite soft, almost like fur. This very much surprised me. The specimen was from 1898. I think I was more impressed by the fact that I handled a bird that had been dead for over 107 years than I was by its natural beauty. I also saw some large birds from the South Pacific or New Zealand (I think) that have lizard-like legs and hard feathers that are like long fingernails. My friend mentioned this is one species that illustrates well how birds evolved from dinosaurs. I poked its leg and pointy feathers. Believe me, I scrubbed my hands but good when I got home.

The whole thing was amazing. This trip just reminded me how sorry I am that I never liked science class as a kid. It is yet another field that interests me (crazy behind-the-scenes work at a science museum) that I will not be able to ever work in. Hopefully, I will continue to meet people with awesome jobs and get to hobnob with them to make up for it.

I'm Too (Un)Sexy for My Blog

I read a thought-provoking post by Jean Satterwhite (Sometimes you need some Sex and the City before Housework and the Suburbs) on BlogHer. The gist of her writing was something I could mostly relate to in the sense that I have been with Husband for over 11 years and sometimes I do miss the excitement of how it was when we first started dating. However, one thing she wrote made me pause.
I wanted to wear heels that would probably make me stumble more than once, but would make me feel sexy.
Why is it that only things that are uncomfortable to wear are sexy? This is a question that I have tried to address in many forms but still cannot understand. If shoes are going to make you fall down, how are they sexy? If they are painful, as I always find heels to be because of the amount of pressure that winds up on the ball of my foot, how is that sexy? Does being sexy mean that deep down inside, you just wish that you were wearing fuzzy bunny slippers but you manage to keep smiling?

(A long time ago, I read an article by a guy (not sure if it was online or in a magazine) who said that he had been raised by his mom and several older sisters, all of whom were feminists. As a result, he always worried about the comfort of his dates when they showed up tottering on heels. One day a date took him to task and told him that instead of worrying about her well-being, he should sit back and appreciate the sacrifices she was making in order to be sexy. Since then, he said that he has never been concerned about his dates again, and gives his thanks to that woman for making him understand that women want to be in pain for their men. “Nooooo!” I screamed when I read this conclusion. I really wanted to hunt that woman down and slap her for ruining one of the few decent guys out there.)

It does seem like the items that women are supposed to wear to be sexy are all ridiculous. Stilletos, push up bras, corsets, thongs, and g-strings are all uncomfortable. Why is it that things that make a woman sexy are all things that make a woman constrained, pinched, or pulled? OK, maybe garters are not so bad. I’ve never worn them, so I can’t say. They seem like they’d be fine, although in my case I know I would wind up with chub rub (my little name for thigh chafing) if I didn’t have my upper thighs covered completely, so that would suck.

I once bought a push up bra on accident and when I put it on, I did not understand why anyone would want a boob shelf to rest her chin on. (This was back when I was a DD. Do people with DDs need more cleavage? No, they really do not. Support so that they do not sag, yes! Hoisting them up to your neck, no. Trust me on this.) Yet now Victoria’s Secret is promoting sports bras that are push up bras so that women can feel “sexy” at the gym. I understand that even less than I understand a regular push up bra. When I work out, I want my tits smashed as flat to my chest as possible. Giant (even small) bouncing boobs hurt like hell. And they look about as sexy as the flab that jiggle under my upper arms. I’ve noticed that most of the women in my gym seem to think that looking sexy while working entails being fit and wearing yoga pants with a basic sports bra that supports what they’ve got. (Although recently I did see a woman with a sports bra top where the back was entirely see-through mesh. I was not sure how on earth that baby did not itch like hell as she sweated profusely in it. Maybe the mesh helped the sweat evaporate faster?)

At any rate, I don’t think grimacing in pain but pretending to be fine is sexy. I don’t think taking baby steps so that I don’t stumble too much in my heels is sexy, either. (Then again, I have been known to practically break my ankle while wearing Danskos – those things have no fucking ankle support, although they have great arch support and are super comfy - and losing my balance on a crack in the sidewalk. No one would accuse Dansko clogs of being sexy.) Comfort is pretty sexy though. Being happy wearing jeans, a t-shirt (preferably one with a political message) and Keds saddle shoes/Dansko clogs/John Fluevog knee high chunky sole boots/gym shoes and having your partner accept you as you are, even if you happen to look like a 14 year old boy, is also damn sexy.

Although even having said all that, I never particularly feel sexy. I always look like a schlumpf. Even all gussied up, I look like a schulumpf who is decked out and complaining that her feet hurt. So maybe that is what I have against all this stuff. Nah.

Sunday, June 4, 2006

Hee Haw

Dr. P, Husband, and I took advantage of the fact that it was not raining for the first time in days and went to a street fair today. As we were wandering around the Upper West Side on Broadway, Dr. P noticed another street fair taking place on West 93rd between Amsterdam and Columbus. We moseyed over to see what was up.

A large sign announced the “County Fair.” The Fair was organized as a fundraiser for the public elementary school on W. 93rd. Let me tell you, there is no county fair in the country that is like the West 93rd Street County Fair. The silent auction table included gift baskets where bids began at $100. Everything else was oriented to children. Kiddie pools were filled with magnetic sea creatures so that kids could “fish” with magnets on plastic rods. Arts and crafts abounded, including a little spinning machine that you put a small piece of paper in and then squirt paint on it while the paper whirls around. Funky designs ensue. Not to be snide, but my sister got one of those machines years ago at Toys “R” Us for one of her birthdays. (To be fair, we did love it, but we also did not pay over $1.00 each time we wanted to use it.” There was a petting zoo, too. It had two little goats, chickens, rabbits, and an awesome turtle. Over-privileged white and Asian kids (generally girls adopted from China by graying couples, an Upper West Side specialty) were going nuts over the animals. (OK, I was as well since I am incredibly amused by goats and turtles.) Unfortunately, there was no County Fairy at the West 93rd Street County Fair. I think they only bless county fairs in Chelsea with their presence.

Really, there is nothing like spending a few minutes on a lazy Sunday afternoon watching rich white parents congratulate themselves on sending their kids to public schools while they raise fistfuls of money so that their kids are ensured a better public education than other NYC (non-white) kids get. They seem to believe that they are making huge sacrifices by sending their kids to public school instead of private school and helping out other kids. Somehow, I don’t think the kids who go to school in Brownsville (one of the poorest neighborhoods in Brooklyn) are able to start the bids at their school fundraisers at $100. Personally, I think the parents at W. 93rd Street could really be proud if they share their largesse with those kids who really need it. How about partnering with less fortunate districts and doing joint fundraising in the future? I bet the kids in Brownsville would love to pet bunnies, too.

Saturday, June 3, 2006

No Shabbat for the Weary

Yesterday Husband and I rented a car (a shitty Hyundi Sonata – I do not recommend it) and drove up to see our friends in MA. My friend is VERY, VERY pregnant and is having the kid in 3 weeks. I went up to have a little shower for her, and Husband joined me for the ride. He hung out with Friend’s Husband and 2 ¾ year old son while we went out for tea.

We were joined by three other women at the tea house. When they saw how large her belly was, they all asked how she was feeling. “It’s like having a bowling ball sit on my pelvis,” Friend replied. “I am so ready for this baby to come out.” He is probably going to be over 9 lbs when he is born. (Reasons number 61 and 447.2 why I am not having children.)

The tea was lovely. I could have used more clotted cream, but the scone was soft and warm. I used three sugar cubes over the course of tea in my cup, but I refrained from eating any. The egg salad, cucumber and cream cheese, and the crab salad tea sandwiches were scrumptious. The ginger chicken salad and salmon salad were like mush with dill on marble bread. Most disappointing. Desserts were interesting and included a frozen strawberry filled with custard and capped with white chocolate. Overall, it was an especially worthwhile tea at only $15.95.

More important, the company was great. It was Friend, her friend who already has two kids under the age of four, two women in the process of having a kid together, and me. Out of the five of us, three had had breast reduction surgeries and one other person was planning to have one in the near future. We all agreed that it is ridiculous to shave off your pubes, especially before going to the OB-GYN. Especially if you are so pregnant that you cannot see your snatch anyway.

One of the women revealed that the hormones released post-pregnancy change the color of your pubes. I thought that sounded a bit like the leaves in autumn. Think about how lovely fall can be. People drive around the countryside looking at the leaves. While I doubt you want people observing your crotch in the same way, if you shave them off, you would miss out on an exciting event. How sad would that be?

As all good things must come to an end, Husband and I drove home after the tea. Husband was exhausted from playing with Friend’s son. “How the hell do people do that every day?” he wanted to know. I felt bad for Husband, so I offered to drive all the way back. This meant (drumroll) driving into Manhattan. Generally, the thought of driving in Manhattan terrifies me. I don’t particularly love driving too much, and I hate traffic and situations where it is likely I will run a pedestrian down while I am looking at a store window. For these reasons (plus cabs – enough said there), I have avoided driving in NYC the entire 12 years I have lived here. (OK, not the entire 12 years. Once I moved a car we had parked on W. 72nd St from a broken meter to a space three spots up the street. It was a Sunday morning at 8 am, though, so there were other cars parked there nor was there any traffic at all.)

I almost backed out of it while we stopped for gas in Westchester County. Husband reassured me that traffic was likely to be somewhat light at 12:30 am, so I took a deep breath and decided that it was now or never. Mostly the ride was fine although there was this white van full of (I swear) Mormons that was driving like 20 miles an hour on the West Side Highway/Henry Hudson Parkway and breaking at every bump as well as swerving a bit. This led me to change lanes. Go me!

I got to W. 79th, successfully navigated the traffic circle (not a soul was in sight), and then headed down Riverside Drive. I made a left on 76th, stopped at the light on West End Ave. An old man with a cane crossed the street, then the light turned green. I waved at Brother-in-Law’s soon to be ex-apartment (“Look at me! I’m driving in Manhattan!”) as I drove by carefully. Somehow, the light at Broadway was still green when I got there, so I whizzed by. Some skanky girls looked like they might try and cross against the light at Amsterdam, but fortunately decided to wait until the walk sign appeared. We found a parking spot not far from our apartment that could fit an elephant and his older brother. Like an idiot, I first attempted to pull into it, but had to get out and back in. At that point, I did not notice the cab behind me, but he gently reminded me of his presence before I backed into the spot. I waited for him to go by, backed in, pulled up a bit, backed up a bit, pulled up a bit, backed up a bit, pulled up a bit, and bam! We were in.

Yes, Saturday was very nice. Plus, while I was visiting Friend, another Friend From Home (Chicago) called and asked if Husband and I would be interested in joining her and some other folks on a 10 day tour of India in the spring. Oh, yes I would! Gonna find out more about that today. Very exciting stuff indeed.

Friday, June 2, 2006

Lady Suzanne and Her Tea

Tomorrow Husband and I are driving up to Massachusetts for the day. My friend who I have known since high school is having her second kid, and I am going up for a little celebration. We are having afternoon tea, for which I am very excited. Despite the fact that I am a foul-mouthed savage who refuses to wear make-up and thinks the height of fashion involves pink knee high boots (or black ones with lots of cool buckles) and chunky soles, I seriously love proper afternoon tea.

OK, it’s not the proper part that I love (the girly fanciness actually make me nervous at best and give me the heebie-jeebies at worst), but all the food that it entails. To beign, munching on the sugar cubes while waiting on the other goodies is fun. There is nothing like a decent scone spread think with clotted cream and jam. I also love those ridiculous little tea sandwiches which have no nutritional value whatsoever. White bread with the crust cut off filled with something mixed with gobs of mayo is just damn tasty. Finally, there are usually some sorts of cakes or cookies involved. Afternoon tea is a winning proposition for everything but my rapidly expanding gut and my increasing inability to digest these types of foods.

Of course, it will be nice to see my friends in MA and their cute kid as well. It will just be even nicer to see them while I stuff scones with clotted cream (how I love those words: both disgusting and oh so yummy at once) and jam into my craw.

The Subway, The Doctor, and The Wax (a.k.a., The Bad, The Good, and The Ugly)

Do not, I repeat, do not take the 4,5, or 6 trains during rush hours. Unless you are on your way to the dermatologist to have him look at you potentially scabies-infested arms, as I was, it is probably not worth the hassle. People are crammed into the train and you could wind up rubbing against someone with potentially scabies-infested arms. (Although it does take prolonged exposure to a person with scabies to contract them, so just hitting arms does not count. However, holding onto the same pole with arms rubbing together for 30 minutes might do the trick.) That would suck.

Any conversation that begins with “So I have this rash…” is not likely to end well. Fortunately, after I went to see the dermatologist, I learned that I do not have scabies. Whew! It makes me even happier that I did not rush out and get the insecticide medicine and smear myself with bug killer. (I’m sure some pervert out there would find that kinky – fantasy denied!) I merely have eczema as I suspected. Treatment: cool showers (sob) that are no more than three minutes long, then apply Cetaphil lotion. I love my scalding hot showers (when we were at the Dead Sea in Israel, there had a hot spring bath which Husband commented was about the temperature of my showers), but I can deal with cooler ones. (They are better for the environment, a friend told me after she saw An Inconvenient Truth.) On the other hand, my showers are generally no more than five minutes as is. Not sure how I can cut the time down. Maybe not wash my face? The cool water may encourage me to hustle anyway.

With the rash mystery solved, I went on to my next appointment of the evening yesterday. A friend is starting a career as a professional waxer and needs clients. As a favor, I agreed to let her wax my pits and lower legs. “How ‘bout a bikini wax?” she asked hopefully. “I need the practice, and you can blog about it. It’ll be great.” No, no it will not be great. Thanks, but no thanks. I mentioned the offer to Future Sister-in-Law (FSiL) and she was game, though.

I have subjected myself to waxing my legs and pits three or four times before. (Once I even had an unintended bikini wax.) Never have I chatted with my torturer, er, I mean, aesthetician about feminism, neighborhood demographic changes in Chicago, Ariel Levy, writing, Girls Gone Wild, and porn. Needless to say, it was the longest and yet least painful wax job ever. (On the other hand, she did take a picture during the process for me to use on my blog, but my ass and thighs are ginormous. Now that is painful…) If you must get waxed, I highly recommend her. Just don’t let her take a picture.

Thursday, June 1, 2006

A Trip to Italy Leads to a Trip to the Doctor

I went to see my GI on Wednesday. My appointment was originally for 5:45, but the nurse called earlier in the day and asked if I could change it to 5:15. Sure, no problem.

I arrived at the office fairly promptly at 5:16. Then I sat and waited. I mean, I appreciated the extra time I had to read an appropriately nasty article about Caitlin Flanagan and her lying ways in Elle, but I was seriously getting pissed. At 5:45, the time of my original appointment, I asked the nurse what the fuck was going on. (Of course, my actual question was “How much longer is Dr. ShitFixer going to be?” in a very sweet voice.) “He’ll be right with you, although there is another patient ahead of you.” Uh huh. I see. I figured that meant he would not see me until about 6:15. Well, thanks for hauling my ass in 30 minutes earlier so that I could wait for 60 minutes instead of 30 minutes. How did they know that I had nothing better to do with my time? They must be psychics.

(You know how doctors always have policies saying that if you cancel an appointment within 24 hours of the appointment, they get to charge you some unreasonable amount of money? I have often considered sending a bill to them if they cancel on me within 24 hours of my appointment. It’s only fair. I also wouldn’t mind figuring out how much money I make on an hourly basis and charging them for my waiting time if I have to wait more than 15 minutes.)

At any rate, the doctor came in at 6:08. He asked me if I was writing in my journal. I thought it would not be a good idea to mention that I was writing about how fucking pissed off I was that I did them a favor and came in early, only to wait 53 fucking minutes for my 10 minutes with him, so I said that I was making some notes for my blog. I’m slightly disappointed that he didn’t ask what my blog was about, because I think he might have found the Campaign for Unshaved Snatch amusing. On the other hand, I also would not be able to bitch about him in this post.

Anyway, I told him that my shit logs were coming back. He asked if I had any other symptoms. I mentioned that I had developed a rash on my arm when I was in Italy. He grabbed my arm and eyed it. “You might have scabies,” he calmly told me. (Motherfucker! Can you believe that shit? ) “Could it be eczema?” I inquired. My bubbe has eczema. “Maybe,” he said. He wrote me a scrip for some ointment that I am supposed to smear on myself before I go to bed and then wash it off in the AM. If that stops the itching, then it was scabies. However if it does not stop the itching, I should see a dermatologist. Not that I don’t trust him, but I think I would rather see the dermatologist before I smear what is essentially insecticide all over myself and sleep in it. In fact, I’ll make an appointment ASAP...

Wow, I'm a Hipster!

According to this week's Village Voice, "In the club world, it's the clean kids who are the rebels." Wow, I'm better than a hipster - I am a hister rebel. The whole article is on "The Sober Hipster" and the cover shows a woman dunking a chocolate chip cookie into a martini glass full of milk. Yum. Now someone is talking my language of fun.

Bob Herbert: "Hidden in Brothels, Slavery by Another Name"

In today’s New York Times, Bob Herbert wrote a very good article about sex trafficking in New York. (This might not be accessible online unless you have a subscription to the Times. If you want to read this article and can’t, let me know and I will forward it to you.) New York State, like most states, does not currently have a law that specifically forbids the heinous crime, and therefore when brothels are busted, it is usually only the kidnapped women who face charges and are criminally sanctioned, not the evil people who forced them into prostitution. A new law in the State Assembly will change that, making trafficking a felony. Penalties range from probation for a first-time offender to a maximum of 15 years in prison. It also slightly increases the penalties for the johns.

While I am glad that a law is being put in the books, I don’t think that this is good enough. First-time offenders need much stricter penalties than mere probation. That is not going to stop anyone from trafficking in the first place, and it sure won’t stop them from going back to it. Here is my suggestion: I think these people should get the death penalty. Generally, I am against the death penalty, as it tends to be racist, classist, and an otherwise poor use of the state’s power, money, and time. However, traffickers have such a brazen disregard for the lives of women that I actually do believe they deserve to die.

As for the johns, they should be charged with rape, because that is exactly what they do when they have sex with a women forced into prostitution. Herbert’s article had a line in it that made me sick: “The word spread that there was a new girl at the brothel in Queens, and the johns began lining up.” This is something that I cannot possibly understand. It is clear that these men knew that the prostitutes were being held at the brothel against their will. The woman interviewed by Herbert said that she “was crying all night.” I can understand that some people feel the need to pay someone to have sex with them, but I cannot understand how can a person be so desperate for sex that they don’t care if they are in actuality paying a third party so that they can rape someone? If someone is sobbing while you pound away, how could one not notice and think something might be wrong? Do these johns have no humanity?

Sex trafficking is one of the most disgusting violations of human rights in the world. The people involved, both the traffickers and the john, are the worst sort of slime on the earth. They should be treated as such.

Let's Shake on It!

So my penultimate afternoon in Italy was spent looking at relics. Dr. P, Dr. H, and I went to two churches, Il Gesú and Chiesa Nouva. The only really interesting things were at Il Gesú, so I’ll spare everyone the other details and pictures.

Il Gesú was loaded with relics. This is one of the reliquary cabinets. Here is another one of the displays loaded with relics of all sorts. Most fascinating! A close up on one of the relics reveals a scary skeletal hand. Despite the cache of relic treasures, Il Gesú is best known for the tomb of St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. Across from the tomb, is the best relic I have ever laid my heretic eyes on. It is the arm of St. Francis Xavier, protégé of St. Ignatius Loyola! St. Francis Xavier is credited with converted over 10,000 untouchables in India when he went there as a missionary in the 1540s. Depsite his death over 400 years ago, his arm remains impressively pulpy. (I guess all those Baptisms can really preserve a body part.) I asked Dr. P if she thought she could surgically reattach it to another body since it was in such good condition, but she looked at me like I was insane and started backing away a bit. Sometimes I really think I missed my calling as a coroner. I knew that I should have paid attention to math an science all those years ago…