Sunday, June 18, 2006

When There's A Will, Some Like to Get Others to Take the Way for Them

There is a blog – I won’t name names – that I despise for a variety of reasons. However, I check it from time to time because I like frustrating myself and I can't help but want to know what ridiculous crap is expounded upon as if there is some wisdom behind it, which then enrages me. Not long ago, a post ended by posing a question: if women can use their feminine charms to get men to serve us, why should we ever do anything for ourselves?

Oh, I don’t know – maybe for self-respect? Self-determination? Pride in one’s abilities? A sense of accomplishment?

Silly moi!


  1. Hasn't this unnamed idiot blogger heard of quid pro quo? Feminine charms do very little to protect you when chivalry turns to threats, manipulation, or outright violence. It sound a lot like some awful stereotype of Southern gender roles - very Gone With the Wind. Although I know plenty of Southern feminists who have rejected such nonsense. So I guess the unnamed blogger is just an idiot! :-)

  2. You have me intrigued. I'm dying to know the blog. It's probably some active member of Concerned Women for America (which was actually started by men).

  3. Hmmm... I assumed it was female-heroine-of-Beauty-and-the-Beast in the common-nickname-for-NY. But I didn't see anything like that over there. Of course, I couldn't do more than about scan it. Who wants to read that crap?

  4. Whew!
    I thought you talking about me for a minute.

  5. Ah, yes, Count Mockula. It is that person. I think the post is from June 7.

    For those of you who are unsure of whom I refer (and it is most definitely not Eddie!), I avoided using a name deliberately, as I do not feel like being harrassed again by her associates, which is not likely to happen if I don't mention the name or provide a link. As I am still a snarky bitch, email me if you want details. (My email link is on my profile.) You just gotta promise not to rat me out.
