Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I Hope It Won't Need Braces

This picture caught my eye in last Tuesday's NY Times:You are looking at a tumor with a fucking human tooth. The article is all about tumors that grow teeth, hair, and bones. A choice excerpt:
A tumor's encroachment is always terrifying, but teratomas, literally "monster tumors," exert a macabre hold on the imagination because they contain human elements remixed with Frankensteinian logic. It is not unusual for a teratoma to contain patches of hair, errant wedges of cartilage and even fully formed teeth... Teratomas' most fascinating quality, Dr. Skorecki said, is their capacity to generate a smorgasbord of human tissue varieties, including bones, skin and ligaments... the teratomas then degenerate... into hodgepodges of hair, fingernails and teeth.
The good news is that we might one day be able to use them to treat diseases like alzheimers, according to the article. The bad news is that it entails working with totally creepy tumors.


  1. Yikes!!! lol!

    Thanks for the comment on the NARAL post. My adrenaline shot up when I first read it, because I missed the "US".

    I don't often debate folk online, so am outta practice. But I already have once today (guy raggin' on the blogger with "no evidence for evolution" silliness), so was immediately in snarky attack mode.

    Of course, being also atheist, I don't just kill babies, I deep fry and sell 'em to restaurants near churches. Gotta be surreptitious in the war on christianity, dontchyaknow. {-;

  2. Is that tumor growing in someone's pelvis???? It's like an accident--disgusting, yet I can't stop staring. Teeth in bizarre places are fascinating!
