Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Operation Evil: July 15-22, Jackson, MI MS**

Operation Rescue (now known as Operation Save America) is laying siege to the only sole abortion clinic in the entire state of Mississippi in July.* If their digusting name change is not enough to make bile rise in the back of your throat, I spent a few minutes perusing their website and found out that they are calling this “the Gentle Revolution.” I checked the dictionary, and not one of their hateful, forceful actions ever matched the definition of “gentle.”

Also, I know this is not funny, but a June 22 post says, “It appears that the denizens from hell are quite concerned about Christians coming out of the closet as far as the abortion issue is concerned.” Nothing makes me more delighted than being referred to as a “denizen from hell” by religious bigots intent on forcing me to convert to their religion. The rest of the information on the Operation Save America website is terrifying. One of the pictures on the site shows a girl holding a sign calling RU-486 “Hitler in a Pill.” As the anonymous June 22 writer said,
No Exception
No Compromise
No Apology
You cannot reason with psychopaths like that. I can point out that if they are so upset about killing people, they should be agitating their friend King George to save people in Darfur, they’d just stare at me like I was bringing a message directly from Satan. Nope, they have no interest in saving actual independent, breathing, thinking, feeling lives, especially ones in Africa. (I guess their new name makes a lot more sense than I originally thought.)Remember, a big tactic of the Catholic church and other fundamentalist religious institutions in the not so distant past was to torture and kill people to save their souls, so this is nothing new to them. No means are too low for them to "help" people who don't want it.

Which of you other "denizens from hell" can I sign up with me to lay siege to the HQ of Operation Save America or to any church that sends people to badger and harrass people? How would they like it when they are prevented from exercising their right to go to work or to get their religious brainwashing? I suspect they would not like it at all. (People never like it when their own tactics are used against them, and then bitch and whine and act like victims.) We can call the action "Operation Save America from Operation Save America."

*FYI - Frontline has an amazing program on this clinic, which aired last November, but can be seen on the web here.)
**Updated on June 29: Steve (see comments) pointed out that Mississippi, where Jackson and the siege are located, is in fact, MS. MI is Michigan. Man, I used to know that kind of shit. Old age, my friends, hits hard.

If you want to do something to really save America, the National Organization for Woman (NOW) is collecting funds specifically to protect women who have no choice but to enter the clinic that week under the hostile and violent conditions imposed by mentally ill people who think they are taking on the work of Jesus. Donate here.


  1. Suzanne,
    You are right, when they think they are Christian soldiers and are ordained to get results regardless of the method, there is no reasoning with them.
    But, on the other hand, I don't think they represent the average Christian. I rub elbows with them everyday, they are not hateful at all, in fact they are quiet humble and understanding - for the most part.

  2. Sign me up. A little of their own medicine should change their minds, or at least thin out the ranks.

  3. Holy Shit that's scary. Never mind send money, I want to go volunteer and help the women going to the clinic.

    And then, as you said, we should give them a taste of their own medicine and prevent them from going to church.

    et--i beg to differ with the average Christian. My neighbors work for Campus Crusade for Christ--America's biggest recruitment agency for college kids and they are pleasant as pie but the second abortion comes up they're all about bringing the claws out. They just cannot see two sides to the issue. They are not capable of stepping back and saying, "okay, it's your right to have an abortion but I won't have one if I need one." It's all claws with them. But anything else is fine to talk about.

  4. I don't think we need to protest at all churches; just the ones that send bus loads of people to interfere with any clinic.

    There is a really great group called the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice that is very supportive of women and their right to decide if and when they want to reproduce. There are also some liberal churches out there that are very supportive of the issue too. Still, they are often the sad exception to the rule.

  5. Suzanne- Mississippi's abbreviation is MS, not MI. Not that it matters but you may get a hit one day from an engine. Just a tip from an old Mississippian.

    Always remember when dealing with a fundie- "compromise is a sin."

  6. Thanks Steve. I am very embarassed. I should have remembered that MI is Michigan. I thought MS was Missouri, but a quick investigation revealed that MO is Missouri. I used to pride myself on remembering shit like this.
