Saturday, May 5, 2007


While I may not be the best writer in the world, I really love it and I hope that someday I might be able to eke out some sort of living from it. However, I’m very insecure about the whole thing. It upsets me that I depend entirely on Husband to support me, and that while he commutes to Connecticut (and around the world) to work hard, I’m ditty bopping around home or wherever earning nothing. Granted, he loves his job and wants me to do something that I enjoy as well, so he’s fine with the situation for now. Most other people understand that I am lucky to be in a situation where I can take time off and try to start over. No one seems to think that I am a leech mooching off of Husband except for me, yet I worry about incessantly. (Obsessive worrying is one of my talents.)

Logically, I know that Husband’s Parents do not think that I am coasting on their son’s coattails, but I can’t stop myself from (no longer) secretly harboring concern that they frown upon my mostly unemployed status. Especially my father-in-law (FIL), who is an engineer and already thinks that I am a lunatic, but in a nice way. So I was super touched when I received an email from Mother-in-Law at the end of April that said:
Thought you'd be interested in the following. I was telling [FIL] that my director's husband had just won a Pulitzer prize, and that was probably as close as I was ever going to get to a winner of this award. [FIL] said, that that was true, until Suzanne won one. He didn't say" if Suzanne wins, but rather, "when Suzanne wins." See, you have many fans and people rooting for you.
Reading that leaves me speechless for so many reasons. No one leaves me speechless!

Thanks, FIL, for your faith in me. I am so lucky to be part of your family in so many ways. Now ignore me while I get all choked up and sentimental in the corner… There’s nothing to see here.


  1. And I can say I knew you when....
    Plus, I expect an autographed copy of your book.

    Seriously, though, I toll love ego boosts like that. I have a few people that do that for me, and one's name is Suzanne, and I love her.

  2. you fucking ROCK! and the world will know it soon enough. i feel very much like you at times. i always question what i am doing and why i keep doing it.

    but, i am sure you are gonna make it. there are thing i just know and this is one of them.

  3. It is a weird feeling to lean on your partner financially, but I think the future rewards will be well worth it!
