Friday, August 10, 2007

Doin' Time in OC

My time in Ocean City, NJ – aka "The Land that Time Forgot" – is over. Here's what happened by the numbers:

- Number of people who stayed in the house the first weekend: 20
- Number of people who stayed the full week: 5
- Number of people who canceled: 4 (sniff!)
- Number of people who called randomly to see if they could join us after all: 2
- Number of foot injuries I incurred in the first half of the trip: 4
- Number of people contracting pink eye: 0 (last year: 2)
- Number of children who stayed at the house various points: 3
- Number of temper tantrums thrown by 3 children: countless
- Number of temper tantrums thrown by me: more than the 3 kids combined
- Number of compliments I received on my "My Bush could do a better job" shirt: 1
- Number of compliments I received last year on my "Bush is a Tush" shirt: 0 (one guy yelled at me that I should consider myself "lucky to have Bush")
- Number of times I went to the beach and enjoyed it despite my hatred of sand: 4
- Number of times it rained: 3
- Amount of food consumed during the week: Tons
- Number of times I used the workout gear I packed, including my roller skates: 0

I think that pretty much says it all. Once I get back, I have no trips planned until the end of the year, and am looking forward to sleeping in my own bed, having reliable internet access, and catching up on all my blog friends' writings!


  1. Glad you had fun. Glad you're back.

    The packing of the workout gear sounds just like something I would do.

  2. Well, as one of the people that canceled, I am sad that neither one of us got to use our roller skates.

  3. I also never used my workout clothes. In addition to being annoyed that I didn't work out the whole, I was annoyed with how much space the workout clothes took up when I was trying to pack everything to go home.
    We had a great time!
