Sunday, August 12, 2007

"Doody in the Pool!"

Wednesday night, the adult crew at the beach house watched Caddyshack on DVD. It is one of the dumbest, plot-free pieces of crap movies I have repeatedly watched. Except for that one part where the Baby Ruth bar falls into the pool and is mistaken for a floating turd log. That is hilarity.

Speaking of turds, Husband just insisted that I must stop blogging immediately so that I can "fold the laundry while it is hot." According to him, it folds more nicely this way. Did I mentioned that yesterday he refused to leave for the Mets game until his bow tie was tied?


  1. that movie is hilarious. All the time.

  2. Caddyshack is brilliant. Carl is one of my all-time favorite characters.

    And I hate to say it...but I think he is right about the laundry. Less wrinkles.

  3. I did laugh a lot at the movie as I wondered what the hell I was cracking up at.

  4. Your hubby is right, but why do you have to fold it?

  5. He did all the laundry, so it was only fair that I fold it. However, it was underwear and sheets, items that can be wrinkled with little to no consequence.

  6. Caddy Shack is pure hilarity from start to finish. As for unshaven crotchal areas...that's madness
