Friday, August 3, 2007

Formula Feeding and Beaver Suckling

Thanks to my friend Alex Elliot, I had quite an adventure this morning. Alex was flown to New York to appear on today's episode of The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet (the link should bring you to her clip). I tagged along for moral support. Alex was awesome, especially for a first television appearance! She had total command of the stage. I puffed my chest (with pride, not milk) as I watched her from the sideline.

Before the show, however, Mike came out to chat with the guests. Mike is the most impressive douche bag I ever met. He yammered and yowled about how it is unnatural for humans to drink the milk of other animals. I shit you not that he actually said:
Zebras suckle zebras; beavers suckle beavers, and humans should suckle humans
I could not suppress my evilest grin at that beavers comment. There's quite a lot of beaver suckling in porn, I thought.

Mike went on obliviously about how insane it is that his mom gave him a big glass of cow's milk when he was a kid. Then he said:
Why don't we just drink breast milk for our whole lives?
Um, I don't know. Maybe because that would mean that women would never have fucking lives as they become milk machines? Or that our birth rate would drop precipitously since breastfeeding women tend to be less fertile? (Although moms of "Irish twins" can attest that this is not always an effective means of birth control...)

I spent a good portion of the rest of the morning trying to figure out if Mike was seriously that stupid or just trying to stoke a reaction, with no conclusive decision. I'll laugh and laugh about "beavers suckling beavers" for the rest of my life, tough.


  1. I thought Alex did great! I especially loved the line about formula not being rat poison! So well put! Can't wait to tell her myself!

  2. Oh my poor babydaddy is the middle child of Irish triplets. Hee. So much to love all over your front page, but I am going to blort it here. The article you linked to in FF&FP is great, and wow, what a writer she is. You two are lucky to have found each other.

    Also, beavers...thank you for recording that. lolwtf is all I got on that.

    It was great to see you again. I was at a small Seattle blog meetup last night and there was this chumpy marketing guy there who was asking us about the readers we use, and he was very surprised when I said I have the URLs of sites I love memorized. You're one, for sure!

  3. That was pretty funny! I'm laughing remembering it. Thank you so much for coming with me. It was great having you there. For some reason the show link on the website is only for the first half of the show.
