Saturday, August 11, 2007

Lazy Saturday Afternoon Flashes of Brilliance/Mundaneness

As I was drifting off to sleep on the smelly hard bed in the beach house last night, a sentence popped into my head:
While I may personally dislike bare snatch, my ambition is completely bald.
This made me laugh out loud, although I no longer remember what it was in reference to. I think it had something to do with the online class that I signed up for, but whatever the point was got lost in the fitful slumber that finally overtook me. When I woke up this morning, I only recalled that fine line and how relieved I was to be returning to a bed made from cushiony material that lacked a hideous ocean-themed comforter that smelled musty.

This is not to say that I did not have a good time in Ocean City. I enjoyed myself immensely. While I wish some other people could have made it, everyone who did join us was super fun. It was especially great to spend a full week with Alex and her two kids, and half a week with Dianne and her daughter. I even managed to splash around happily in the waves of the ocean, the consequences (seaweed crotch) be damned. Further, I stopped by an old lady boutique and got a new bathing suit. It was 40% off and it fits quite nicely. When I look in the mirror, I no longer have the urge to smear Gorgonzola on myself because my resemblance to a ripe juicy pear is not as strong as it was in my old suit. (While I love pears with smelly cheese, I am pleased to not look like what I eat.)

At the same time, I received an email while I was gone, instructing me that I "will have fun" at an upcoming event. If you have to remind me that it will be a good time and I should look forward to it, that's probably not the case. Oh well. At least I'll come home to a nice bed.


  1. Is it just me, or does that sentence sound like something you would encounter on the SAT's? Remember those sections where you had to dissect stuff like that?

    "While Billy considered himself an anglophile, he hated fish and chips." Which would be followed by 30 questions about one stinking sentence...ahhh memories

  2. now that is the suzanne I know and love.
