Monday, June 9, 2008

The Crazy Lady on the Street

Because I wanted to save $2 by not taking the bus 16 blocks to Whole Foods, I walked. This was OK for the way down, which mainly involved carrying my water bottle and the little cooler I planned to put my frozen goods in so that they would not cook on my way back home. I also stopped at the post office and picked up a flat rate priority mail box for some shoes that I am selling on eBay.

My return trip was a bit more complicated. By removed the frozen chicken & apple sausages I purchased from the bulky outer box (they are also in plastic bags), I fit all three packages into the cooler. I then removed the pound of ripe red strawberries from the plastic container and put them in one of those plastic veggie bags. They then nicely fit in the cooler as well. The spinach, red onion, blueberry, and goat cheese side salad, however, was just big enough that the cooler would not close all the way. So I took Tycho's carrots (complete with green tops - his favorite part) out of their plastic veggie bag, put the salad in it so that leaks would be somewhat contained, and threw it in my mini backpack. Then I took off with the flat box tucked into my left armpit and under my left arm, the water bottle in my left hand, and the carrots balanced on the cooler, which I held in my right hand.

Even without the wide brimmed straw hat that ties under my chin with black ribbon - necessary on a slightly windy and blazingly sunny day like today, but making me look like a deranged version of Little Bo Peep - I would have looked like one of those homeless people wandering around with their random possessions. At least I didn't wear my hot pink sunglasses with mirrored lenses a la the '80s.

Before I was even half way home, a rivulet of sweat that began on my upper, upper thigh reached my ankle, and the carrot tops wilted. This did not stop a normal looking woman from asking me if I knew where Bed, Bath, and Beyond was located. (I did, and pointed it out to her.) Perhaps her own good judgment was affected by the heat.


  1. But were your frozen goods okay?

  2. Yes! They were the only things that made it home not covered in sweat.

  3. *making me look like a deranged version of Little Bo Peep*

    Really LOL. Good storytelling skills apparent here, but I already knew you had those.

    Delightful read, Suzanne. BTW, I didn't know you had a book out. :-)

  4. I would have just eaten the strawberries. Less to juggle on the way home.

  5. Well, street ladies do know the best directions.

  6. dang! that reminds me i didn't get any strawberries last night at the wedding.
    i would totally have thought you were nutso.
