Friday, June 6, 2008


Feminism & GenderWas ist das? Ist ein Buch von Deutschland über unshaved snatch und warum douche ist nict gut! Ich weiss nicht Deutsch so zurück zu Englisch.

It's not every day that I get to put my horrid high school German (a class that is the frequent center of my helpless nightmares about failing, as I was so bad at it and only did OK due to the generosity of my teacher, Frau Klemm) to use on CUSS, but I was inspired by the New York Times cover story on Feuchtgebiete ("Humid areas," according to Babal Fish), an explicit fictional book causing a sensation in Germany because of its raunchy descriptions of the narrator's body and her rejection of "hygiene." Sounds right up my alley, and I'm not making a bad pun here.

According to the article, which is both offensive in how it describes feminism and unintentionally hilarious, the author Charlotte Roche was inspired to write Humid Areas (I just love that title!!!) by the douche aisle:

s. Roche explained, to howls of laughter, how the lemon-scented products called out to her in uncensored terms that she was, as the commercials put it, not so fresh, or at least not fresh enough.

“It’s not feminist in a political sense, but instead feminism of the body, that has to do with anxiety and repression and the fear that you stink, and this for me is clearly feminist, that one builds confidence with your own body,” Ms. Roche, the mother of a young daughter and more serious in person than onstage, said last week in an interview after her reading here.

How much do I love this woman?!?! Plus, the cover of the book is the same grotesque Pepto-Bismal pink as CUSS. So, so cool.The book opens "in a hospital room after an intimate shaving accident." Oh, how I snicker!

Why this merited as a cover story is slightly beyond me, given all the other the things going on the world that probably require more attention (like "Mortgage Defaults Mounting," which is in the business section). Feuchtgebiete will be out in English nächste Jahre.


  1. So is it going to be a book club selection?

  2. What I am MOST impressed with is that you managed to get an umlaut over the 'a'. So impressed. Ich kann auch Deutsch. Ich wohnte en Tuebingen fuer ein Jahr.

  3. LOL. The members of my book club are way too snobbish to take on a book about unshaved snatch. But I love the idea of it.

    Danke! The umlauts came from careful cutting and pasting from another source, although the words are mine.

  4. heheh, that's how i get umlauts too.

    ack! "intimate shaving accident"!!!

  5. In my opinion "Feuchtgebiete" is highly overrated. Though I like her TV appearances, I dont like her book which in my opinion seems a bit like "getting new attention to push the career".
