Saturday, June 28, 2008

Why Am I Wearing My Bathing Suit?

Is it because I am going to the Chicago Pride Parade with my aunt and her friends? No, although that is my plan for today. Is it because I like looking ridiculous? No, although that is true, too. What could it be? Find out at BlogHer and put on your swim gear, too. (Cheesy come-on, I know.)


  1. Hey, this year I actually own not one but TWO swimsuits. Bikinis, even. I will post pictures very soon.

  2. Great post on BlogHer. I am all for less time stressing and more time for fun. Since we're in the middle of winter (here in Australia) I actually have no idea where my swimsuit is. It will definitely get a workout when I'm over there for BlogHer. Promise to post photos then.
