Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hello Anxiety My Old Friend*

I've come to talk with you again.**
Because a deadline softly creeping***
Left its seeds while I was sleeping.****
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Is giving me chest pain*****
Amid the sound of anxiety.******

*Apologies to Simon & Garfunkel
**Not that we don't talk at least once a day as I nervously peel flesh off my cuticles
***New School's wait list letter said they expect the wait list to be active until June 30, which is just around the corner
****OK, the seeds are so bad that I have nightmares almost every night about everything from falling onto the subway track when a train is coming to Husband leaving me
*****Seriously, I have actual chest pain on my left side today, and it is killer
******Wow, all these asterisks are annoying. Sorry about that. Anxiety makes me do stupid shit.


  1. Suz, cool your liver. Being anxious doesn't solve anything, but it could make you physically ill.

  2. I think my liver is the only thing that is in good shape right how. Hardee har har.

  3. maybe you should start drinking? then everything will be in the same boat (just like iowa-ha!)
    sorry for the anxiety. i'm waiting to hear back from an 11 year old whether she liked my book. is it pathetic to be anxious about that?
    i can think of another deadline that's fast approaching. your book will be out soon! i cannot wait to get my hands on it!
