Friday, July 28, 2006

Fixing Broken Shit

I am half way to figuring out why my stupid RSS feed does not work. This is good. I am also sitting with some awesome bloggers. Check them out at:
Princess Bookworm
Slolane and Built by Mom
Avocado 8

(However, I remain intimidated!)

I also met Suebob, author of the wonderous Red Stapler, who is taking pictures of people with her red stapler and is great, and Minnie, who is wearing the cutest dress ever and gave me one of her hilarious blog stickers that I have coverted since she previewed them on her blog. Swoon!


  1. the poster formerly known as left coast insomniac (tpfkalci)July 28, 2006 at 3:10 PM

    Look! The first published picture of Suzanne at Blogher has hit flickr:


    So now you're officially there, and your adoring public couldn't be more tickled. Don't be overwhelmed, chica - go with the chaos and have a blast.

    ps - Liveblogging doesn't seem to be in full gear yet, so keep those updates coming.

  2. It was nice to meet you! Hope you can get the rss hell untangled. My offer stands if you are ever intersted in MT ;)
