Friday, July 7, 2006

Vote Democratic to Save Furry Beavers

Yet another reason to hate Republicans. As always, they stand for everything that is evil and against all that is good, including the Campaign for Unshaved Snatch:
Serving as a celebrity auctioneer for the Safari Club, DeLay pitched a sheared beaver pelt vest by asking, "Who wants a beaver?" Then he declared: "Everybody likes beaver, even women." On a roll, DeLay then said -- depending on whom you ask -- that "the best thing" about the vest is that it's either "a sheared beaver" or "a shaved beaver."

Looking out at North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr, DeLay said, "Sen. Burr, they don’t have beaver like this down in North Carolina."

DeLay's daughter said her father was simply selling the item that needed to be sold. He "could have made a joke about a shaved zebra, but that’s not what the item was," she said. "It was what it was."
(Thanks to Arse Poetica, who found this tasty morsel on


  1. I bet goot old boy DeLay can even sell himself to the highest bidder.

  2. Darn! I need to proof read myself more. I meant "good old boy" instead of "Goot old boy" - but that might fit too.
