Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Free the Cheeks and the Circulation Will Follow

As demonstrated time and time again by Theo (skim through December for more pictures/proof if you must), most of underwear has elastic bands around the legs. Unfortunately, my ass and thighs grew exponentially over the past month or so. Who knew that eating tons and tons of crap due to stress would result in an increase in assage and thick thighs?

The consequence of my chipmunk (ass) cheeks and thunder thighs is that the leg bands on my drawers are cutting off my circulation. Even grosser (and thus more importantly), it is creating assne. I created a few escape valves by strategically cutting into the leg band stitching. Yes, this is what it has come to folks, but it works and is cheaper than buying all new skivvies.


  1. sometimes you have to break down and get a new supply. Don't want the cut elastic to bug you.

  2. Viva my Granny Pants! No elastic around the thighs! I am very stressed, however, because they are wearing out,and I will soon have to join your ranks.

  3. Cutting seems to work OK. You can be slightly comforted by that thought.

  4. You can join the Ass-Off at BlogHer to see who has the biggest. My bets are on me.

  5. i cut the waistband on a pair of pantyhose once so as to not get a dent in the middle of my gut when wearing a tight dress.. worked ok, though since then i've discovered thigh-highs which worked better.
