Thursday, July 6, 2006

When Bad Things Happen to Good Feet

My feet were the victims of two bad shoe choices made over a few weeks ago. Incident #1 occurred when I wore the pair of Privo comfort shoes below: Like many new pairs of shoes, they needed to be broken in to be fully wearable. However, I wore them for the first time when I went on what I considered a short walk across the park to meet Dr. P and Husband for dinner. By the time I got there 45 minutes later, the backs of my heels were gushing bloody messes. Fortunately, Dr. P was able to dress my wounds by expertly applying bandages after I purchased a box at a convenience store near the restaurant. Unfortunately, the restaurant ran out of my favorite dish by the time we sat down.

After enough time elapsed that the holes in my heels healed sufficiently, Incident #2 happened. I wore a pair of Franco Sarto loafers (below) to a conference.I wore these shoes gazillions of times over the eons (5 years) that I owned them, and they never bothered me, even when I wore only toe socks with them and not stockings. They must have been possessed by evil spirits three weeks ago because they ate a huge swath of skin off the side of my foot. Oh, it made the stigmata in my heels feel like a picnic in the park.

The point of all this is that I had an argument with Husband about how to best heal the all wounds on my foot. Husband insisted that I must liberally apply Neosporin (which he believes cures everything from holes in one’s body to sore throats) and cover it with a bandage. My plan was to dry everything out in the fresh air while I slept. He explained that I’d get an infection under my scenario because, “Bacteria says, ‘Knock, knock, knock,’ and the Band-Aid says, ‘Go the fuck away.’ The Neosporin gives the Band-Aid confidence; otherwise it would not talk smack to the bacteria.” As convincing as that argument was, I let it air out. Finally, after buying a pair of flip flops and a pair of awesome pink backless shoes that I got for 1/2 off because any other shoes hurt too much to wear, the injuries healed. I could wear regular shoes again.

Yesterday morning, I tried wearing the Privos again. It started out well, but by the time I arrived at the subway, the rubbing was bad. (I did think ahead, though, and brought the pink shoes with me just in case.) As I was cursing the waste of money these things turned out to be, I noticed a woman enter the station through the turnstyle. She was wearing super high, super thin heels that ended in a little point. I marveled at her ability to walk in them. Then she fell down the stairs, catching herself just before she tumbled completely head over high heels. Twice. Embarrassed, she explained to the (mostly male) onlookers that her shoes had just been resoled and she was not used to walking on them. No one looked convinced.

A similar heart attack-inducing incident took place while I was out with Future Sister-in-Law (FSIL) last month. The extra long pointy toe of her shoes got caught in the hem of her extra long pants, causing her to fall down the stairs while I looked on helplessly. As the idiotic trend for super long pants continues, these incidents can happen to anyone. However, there is no need for women to tempt the gods of tripping any further by wearing such ridiculous high heeled and/or pointy-toed shoes.

The morals of these stories are: a) Husband cracks me up and I adore him, and b) I do not understand how women can constantly endanger themselves by wearing pointy-toed high heels that squeeze their feet constantly and cause them to fall down stairs. It is silly to go out of your way to buy uncomfortable footwear when you can have a perfectly miserable experience in something sensible!


  1. Suzanne, I love you. We are soul mates. We even have the same annoyingly sensitive feet and disdain for high heels. Will you run off with me to a tropical isle? Quick, tell your husband that you have met a fabulous commenter that you simply must be with! I swear it isn't the gin and tonics talking!

  2. pointless points...
    husband would like to know that windex really is a cure all like that movie big fat greek wedding implied. when my dad went in for surgery and he was swollen horribly, they thought they were going to have to cut off his wedding ring. they tried windex, and that puppy came right off. so keep that in the apartment as well.

    as far as ouchy shoes, i could never... i hate weddings where you are forced to wear hideous ones along with the rest of the bridal party you are dressed as twins with, which is another rant.


  3. I fall down the stairs enough without high heels. Sure, I do wear them sometimes, but they are NOT the pointy ones. If my foot isn't stable on that tiny stick, the shoes stay away.

    I have a rad pair of glittery silver converse that decided that they rub my heels off. I can't wear them anymore because pain = bad. But sometimes I need silver glitter on my feet. In these cases, I pre-bandaid my feet and that seems to help for a while.

    fashion before comfort!

  4. oh, i so feel your pain on the skin ripping front. My feet would be torn up by normally very sensible shoes - but mostly in the summer. I realized that the humid air and heat combo meant murder for my feet. Maybe you should move to NoCal- it worked for me. ;)

  5. i recently wore these awesome red flats that i've worn millions of times before... and by the time i walked the 15 minutes to work i also had gaping holes in my heels... good thing i work in a hospital whre there is an abundance of bandaids.
    as for heels, i won't wear pointy anything b/c not only do they hurt but they are ugly and make your feet look big. and i can't wear heals more than 1 inch high b/c i'm too unstable on my ankle that's been sprained too many times... so flip flops it is all summer long.

  6. dr. p: There was a news item on Chicago TV about flip flops being bad for your feet!

    I,too, am suffering from shoes that have run amok. I have worn Princess Reeboks since Earth was primordial ooze, and now my left shoe is rubbing my foot.

  7. Did anyone laugh when FSIL fell down the stairs? Although I would have been concerned, I cannot help but laugh when such incidents take place. That's why I'm an asshole.
