Sunday, July 16, 2006

Two Scary Facts

There are only two places for the public to get WiFi in Ocean City, the place that time forgot. One if McDonald's, and the other is the library. The Explorer and I were unsure if the library was open on Sunday and where it is exactly, and given that it is 4000 degrees out and that this town has no shade, we headed to McDonald's, which is closer and definitely open. While I was here, I decided to get my yogurt parfait. Waiting in line, I saw a sign encouraging people to apply for jobs here (open interviews on Mondays and Thursdays from 2-5). It said:

1. 1 in every 12 working Americans have received training at McDonald's.
2. If you want to move, it is easy to transfer, as McD's has locations on every continent except Antartica.

The nice thing is that they offer discounts on child care. I should ask about how that works, as I am always curious about child care policy. Still, the fact that 1 in 12 working Americans has trained at McD's is overwhelming.


  1. I can proudly say that I am one of the other 11.

  2. Same here. I could never pimp out a poly-cotton blend uniform.
