Friday, October 6, 2006

The Horror! The Horror!

Growing up in the Chicago area, I was shielded from a childhood terror inflicted upon the less innocent children of the New York metropolitan area. Yes, I am talking about the nightmare-inducing product known as Cookie Puss.

Those of you who still have souls may wonder where this ghoulish Cookie Puss comes from. It is the ice cream cake that parents serve at children’s birthday parties when they want to ensure that their child never will never want to have another birthday party again. Introduced by Carvel, an ice cream chain in New York that dulls in comparison to the deliciousness of Dairy Queen, Cookie Puss is an ice cream cake shaped like some sort of alien. He has two cookies for eyes and an ice cream cone with a scoop of ice cream in it on the center of the cake as his nose. Around St. Patrick’s Day, Cookie Puss returns to outer space and his cousin from Ireland, O’Cookie Puss, is available at Carvel instead. (Seriously, you can’t make stuff like this up.)

My peaceful existence was shattered sometime while I was in college and went with Husband to a Carvel in Long Island. There, in the freezer case, was the most terrifying ice cream cake I ever saw. The cookie eyes were lined with red icing and the ice cream in the cone nose was purple and melting, leaving purple tack marks as it slid down the hideous creature’s face. It seems that Cookie Puss is an alien crack addict. If my parents had given me a cake like this, I would have never slept again.

Fast forward to today. I arrived in Chicago for the weekend, and asked my dad if he wanted to take a walk. We strolled over to the neighborhood strip mall, where to my great surprise and consternation, there is now a Carvel. I warned my dad that the scariest object known to man might lie inside, and we entered the shop cautiously. Peering into the freezer case, we saw it immediately. While Cookie Puss is not a crack head in the tony northern suburbs of Chicago, he does appear to be an addict of something, with eyes open wide and staring blankly, his iced mouth caught in some sort of silent scream. I called Husband and Brother-in-Law (who risked life and limb by bringing a Cookie Puss for dessert at Rosh Hashanah a few weeks ago) to tell them that it was not safe here any more. Husband immediately identified the problem. Cookie Puss in this community is addicted to OxyContin! (He has a bad “back.”) Shudder!

Damn this country. We used to have regional differences. Chicago was Dairy Queen turf! Now I can no longer sleep peacefully in my parents’ house knowing that Cookie Puss taunts me less than a half-mile away. So scary!


  1. Well who would even want to eat something called "puss" ANYTHING? Sick freaks...

  2. There is a quote from the cartoon show the Critic: "cookie puss, I will eat your soul." So it is very funny to me (having never seen cookie puss, except for maybe I did and buried the memory deep within my psyche, thus causing all the problems you see before you) that you use the line "those of you that still have souls." How's that for a ramble?

    I've seen scary things like this that are shaped like clowns. And parents wonder what's wrong with their kids.

  3. You KNOW I had to google the ugly ass thing. Thanks for the nightmare.

  4. My favorite part about Cookie Puss is that they use the same mold for all their different characters so Fudgie the Whale is merely decorated diferently than Cookie Puss. They also have some scary looking Easter Bunny cake that they use the Cookie Puss mold for.

  5. I have a friend who had the cookie puss ice cream cone nose shoved in her face (and up HER nose) as a kid. And it was filled with mint chocolate chip ice cream, no less (I think it was actually a cookie o'puss), so she was blowing chocolate chips out of her nose for the next half hour. She's still afraid of cookie puss to this day.

  6. To disaparge Carvel and Cookie Puss? For shame! Cookie Puss was a birthday party staple while growing up and I am still mad that my mom refused to get him for me for my birthday! And Carvel is so delicious!!!!

  7. good god, i just googled cookie puss. that is some scary cake... glad i didn't go to too many ice cream cake containing parties as a child... is the st patty's version green???

  8. so me and dr. h agree, cookie puss actually resembles your hubbie... down to the red hair tuft and fake mustache. don't worry, we still love him.

  9. While I don't believe I have ever eaten a Cookie Puss, I loved Carvel. The were definitely not exclusive to NY when we were kids because we had one in PA. Dairy Queen blows, by the way.

  10. thank goodness for steph adams! told you that Carvel was in Skokie!

  11. just got a Carvel coupon in the mail. Shall we use it for your birthday cake in December?!

  12. Ha ha! Yes, we should definitely use it for my birthday. Although I really love Jewel cakes. So maybe not.

    As for Carvel, there were never ones in the Midwest until recently. Sorry Charlie.
