Monday, October 30, 2006

Non Sequitur

Who needs an imagination when so many random things fall into my lap? From a phone call with my mom:

The scene: Mom, Granny, and Bubbe eating dinner at a restaurant in the Chicago ‘burbs.

Granny: I’m so full. This food is so rich!
Bubbe: Your pussy is hairy.
Mom and Granny: WHAT?!?!?!
Bubbe (smiling wickedly): Cackle cackle cackle.

This is the quality material I miss witnessing firsthand by living in another part of the country. (Or as Granny might say, CUNT-ry.)


  1. Seems like they'd get used to that, but I guess it is a little shocking to hear an old lady CUSS (in all senses of the word!).

  2. It was also so out in left field in terms of our prior conversation
    and being in pubic, no less.

  3. That's awesome. I love your Bubbe.
