Saturday, December 30, 2006

Another Anonymous Nerve Touched

So I found this comment about Victoria's Secret in my email today:
They're just doing their job, they were hired to wear the stuff and I bet if you had their bodies and you were hired to be an angel I'm sure you would. Im sure you would strut their stuff down that runway with the rest fo them. So please back off victoria secrets. Its not their problem that you can't stay in shape
Actually, I am in decent shape. However, like 99% of women, I am not six feet tall. And if I were six feet tall, I would, like most women, probably weigh more than 115 pounds. Even if I were, I am not sure that "lingerie model" is a good profession for me. For one, it seems to require lots of waxing. A bit more reading of the "Campaign for Unshaved Snatch" might indicate that I am not so into that, which would be a major obstacle to a modeling career.

My point about Victoria's Secret is that although I am in fact in decent shape and overall very average sized (meaning: there's some junk in my trunk, like most women), the underwear does not look nearly as flattering on me because it is not made for real women to model. We all have a bit of flab. I realize that most men (and many women) don't want to see underwear on real women with acutal bodies, but I can still complain about the unrealistic expectations that are out there. It's funny how sensative people are when I protest the unattainable standards all women are measured against. Have a cupcake and relax. Yeesh.

Thanks for your (lack of) insight, though, Anonymous!


  1. I am off to have a cupcake and relax. I heart you.

  2. What's funny about that is that it seems they're upset that your'e picking on the models, which was clearly not the point. The point is, it's an unrealistic portrayal. People are strange.

  3. Suzanne, it's time to admit that you've been holding off that V.S. agent, May Tee Anday, for ages. Come out of the closet, Gal!

    I gotta be honest here, and I cannot keep the Victoria Secret secret any longer.

    Victoria's Secret has been begging Ms. Cuss to model, if not for her absolutely perfect breasts and nipples, it may be the mounds of black hair popping out from her high-cut bikini underwear.

    Suzanne, I'm sorry. Now you can some to terms with the real you.

    See you at the spa- I'm off to have collagen injected somewhere.

  4. I'm 6 feet tall and I weight 165 pounds. Many people in my life tell me I'm too skinny. That V.S. shit looks horrible on me.

    I think it's the consumers who are to blame. They keep buying V.S. so V.S. keeps selling it. Bad porno magazines justify men and their piggish ways and women who have low self esteem give into them and what society wants and thus we have visicious circle. Besides, I don't like wearing that shit because it just gets in the way when I'm having sex. i'm at work so I'll leave the comment at that.

  5. Can I just be catty and pick on Anonymous's grammar choices? So Suz, if you had "their bodies", (kind of tough since you're one person) and you were hired to be an angel (wow. really? hired to be angels? not models?) you would (um, yeah. usually if one is "hired" to do something, one does it). And just how would you strut "their" stuff? Is it possible for one to strut stuff other than one's own? I don't know. Maybe. I guess if one is hired to be an angel, there can be some sort of other-worldly transference of "stuff". And yeah, Suz, back off "victoria secrets". Cuz she's really nice. That store, Victoria's Secret is a load of shit, but victoria, she's awesome. Back off.

    Ok. Cattiness done.


  6. Right before the wedding I was 125lbs and 5'7 (that is the same size as Hallie Barry who is hardly the role model for average women). i went to VS for some super sexy lingerie for the wedding and came out in tears. Nothing looked good on me. So, several cupcakes later and I am more attainable weight, back in Hanes and happy.

  7. I personally love how your blog talks a lot about people accepting their bodies and being happy with who they are (basically telling that person not to feel bad about themself) and "Anonymous" then tells you that you're out of shape and on top of it, it's not even true!

  8. "Anonymous" clearly isn't reading The People Under the Stairmasters, which shows that you (and several others) ARE in fact at the gym. But maybe you're time would be better spent getting airbrushed.

  9. I post anonymously out of laziness, but if I had something controversial to say you can bet I would go through the effort of creating an account so that I could stand for my beliefs. My view is that cheap shots are only acceptable if they are really funny, and this character isn't even close.

  10. "I bet if you had their bodies and you were hired to be an angel I'm sure you would"... You are wrong anonymous. In fact, there are many women out there who would not prance around mostly naked in the public just because they are offered the opportunity. Years ago, one of the bigger underwear companies in the states tried to recruit one of my friends (a beautiful women with as perfect a shape as one gets) to model for them. She would not consider it though because she in fact feels that her mostly naked body should not be displayed across the states. If you say that any woman would work an as VS angel if given the opportunity, that's essentially implying that all women are vain bubbleheads out for money and nothing else. Give us a little more credit.
