Friday, December 8, 2006

Compare and Contrast: Victoria's Secret Model v. Duct Tape Suzanne


  1. Duct tape Suzanne wears it better! VS model is all bones and boobs!

  2. That model is really gross looking. I think she would break in half from being too top-heavy.

    You need a soundtrack to your blog page. Of course it's "I'm too Sexy" by Right Said Fred.

  3. oh, she's definitely not airbrushed at all!

  4. The model is airbrushed and pubic hairbrushed as well unlike unkempt duct tape Suzanne.

  5. That model is nasty. Her pelvic bones are visible. I don't think I've ever seen the ridge of anyone's hipbone before and I know some scrawny people. And the bra is too small. She looks ridiculous.

  6. Nice use of the merkin.

  7. here's a logic question...

    if the model's boobs are too big for her body, and her bra is too small for her boobs..
    therefore, her bra is the right size for her body?

    i'm confused already
    oh, and her face looks like a man, what the fuck is VS doing?

  8. She has a face?

    (While I'll not be whackin' myself upside the head for you, I assure you that whackin' is currently all... well, I live alone. I think you get the picture.)

    You do rock, Suzanne. Truly you do!
