Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Sad News about a Funny Guy

I just saw that Peter Boyle died today. Man, he cracked me up on Everyone Loves Raymond, a show that, except for the hilarious Brad Garrett, otherwise was sort of loathesome. (Was Ray not the most whiney fuck ever? Is Patricia Heaton not a Republican nut job in real life who played a wenchy, sour puss wife? Marie was slightly amusing and I love the actress who played her, but suffocating mothers who abuse their daughter-in-laws verbally are irritating sterreotypes.)

I hope my run in with Jerry Stiller yesterday had nothing to do with this. Too many coincidences lately...


  1. I was very sad to read this.

  2. It made me sad also. Although, I thought Marie was funny. She reminded me of my Nana in alot of ways (without the abusive part)

  3. I agree with you about the show. I liked Young Frankenstein.
    Don't kill Jerry Stiller, because I love his son Ben and I don't want him to be sad. Plus Jerry is very funny as well.

  4. yeah, i saw that yesterday. so sad. :( and he wasn't even all that old. (my gran is 93, so comparatively...)

  5. how did you run into jerry stiller?
