Monday, December 18, 2006

This morning's workout

Want to know why this morning's workout made me crave a deli sandwich? The whole story is only a click away at The People Under the Stairmasters.

Incidentally, I tried a new workout that Des recommended to me this weekend. She said that she read that you can give your metabolism a super boost by doing 10 minutes of cardio to warm up, then weights, and then 30 minutes of intense cardio like running. Supposedly doing this twice a week is more effective than doing lots of wimpy workouts on a daily basis. Since I am making a quick trip to Pittsburgh to visit my old friend The Sauce, I won't be able to workout tomorrow or Wednesday, so I thought I'd try it out. I liked it enough. I'll do another cardio-weights-intense cardio workout on Thursday, and then I am off to visit the family in Chicago on Friday.

Perfect timing to teach an old dog new tricks. Woof.


  1. I even did the same workout. So you know it's not just guff.

  2. I don't believe that the workout would work. Are you sure it's not 3 hours of intense cardio and not 30 minutes..
