Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Beware the Ides of March!

Man, I could use a Tiresias in my life right about now.  Things have been ridiculously busy at work and home these past three weeks.  I just would like a heads up about where all this effort will take me.

Even though I bitch about the cruise because I am a horrible person, I am a bit glad that I will be getting away.  I guess my real problem is the length of time.  I am worried that some of the stuff I am working my ass off on will come close to fruition while I am gone, and I might miss a good opportunity.  I just have to keep my fingers crossed and buck up.  I hope some time in the sun will help me relax.  (I must stay away from the ship’s ice cream bar, though…)


  1. I sympathize - I just returned from a 4 day trip home where I spent most of the time eating free restaurant meals. Yeah, yeah, poor me. :-) Does the boat have a gym? I'm certain that some evil gym will want to take advantage of the promotional possibilities of a captive consumer group! It might help potential cabin fever too...

  2. Have a great time! Angst aside, I suspect you will. Take care,

  3. You're worried everything will fall apart, when you're away? are in dire need of a vacation! Just make sure, you actually do relax...k? K!

  4. Have a great trip! Hope that you have a wonderful time and get some rest! I like to drop by your blog and see what you have been up to. It is sad that I have not seen you in so long! My best to everybody! Miss you! Your blog always cheers me up/gives me something to think about/makes me laugh. Be well! Hope to see you soon!
