Thursday, March 2, 2006

It's a "Lifestyle" Choice

Traditionally, neighborhood I live in (the Upper West Side) was known for its literary liberal types. Apartments are supposedly filled wall to wall with books, and everyone thinks that he or she is an expert on everything and anything. (Of course, all of this is changing as more and more obnoxious yuppies move into the neighborhood and ruin it.) One recent morning, I realized that Husband and I live in the stereotypical Upper West Side apartment. I couldn’t find the slang dictionary because it was buried under a huge pile of magazines that have built up on my dining room table, our bookshelves our overflowing with books of various types, and there are zillions of papers everywhere you look. You know, if my place is going to be in disarray, messiness due to literary pursuits is a pretty good way to do it. I’m proud.


  1. I think we have the same interior decorator.... piles of books for pleasure and reference here and there.
    I have mixed feeling about yuppies. The seem too political correct and too good, kind of like Dudly Dooright. However, I think because they all had their share of liberal arts education along with them comes eye pleasing art and eye pleasing parks and good music, provided free in the parks, and so on.
    However, one on one with a yuppy, when you are talking on a gut-level sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a smiley face.

  2. Another thing about yuppies - they are too pretentious and too neat!
    Yeah! (I say while shaking my fist high in the air).
