Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Cruises, Schmoozes!

Tomorrow I am leaving on a 10 days cruise, courtesy of my in-laws who wanted to take the fam on a trip to celebrate their 35th weedding anniversary. I've been dreading it a bit, and feeling like a horrible ungrateful little wretch, but now is really awful timing for us to be gone for 10 days at sea. For one, Husband sent me the following disturbing information regarding internet access on our cruise ship:

The Internet Cafe has 17 terminals; NCL also offers wireless access.
Passengers can bring their own laptops or rent one. Rates at the cafe
itself are industry standard -- 75 cents per minute. Packages are
available (100 minutes for $55, 250 minutes for $100); there's a $3.95
activation fee. Wireless fees vary. A wireless card rental costs $10 a
day and then there are time packages (250 minutes for $100, 100 minutes
for $55 and 33 minutes for $25).

Despite the potential need to refinance my apartment to pay for internet access on the boat, I still aim to post at least once a day on CUSS and once every three days or so on as a contributing editor to travel & recreation. (I told him that cruise ships have rampant incidents of rape. If they can’t literally rape you and get away with it, they will rape your wallet instead.)

While I am slightly more looking forward to the trip than I was a week ago, I am still stressed. Ten days is a long time to be on a boat with unlimited eating. Over the 10 days, we only have five port calls. I know these ships are ginormous, but I fear cabing fever. Did I mention unlimited eating and that there is an ice cream bar? This could be disasterous. The cruise business is an evil, evil industry.

Hopefully, I will relax a bit and enjoy myself. I am looking forward to analyzing the social mores of my fellow cruisers. I might find some good fodder.


  1. What you should do to save some money is, write out your post first on paper, and then sign on to blogger and type everything out. Waste of time, but will probably save you a shitload of money.

  2. Big O (has problems)March 15, 2006 at 10:45 PM

    The best thing about cruises is the toilets. I'm a pro at stuffing up toilets. Heck, my parents had to once replace my toilet due a blockage that could not be resolved with a "snake". Ask my dad about his favorite posession, and he'll fill you in on his Toto toilet, designed in Japan. A love of a good toilet runs deep in my family.

    Cruise toilets are unstuffable (I've stuffed up commercial, no-tank toilets). Being the retard I am, that does not stop me from trying to stuff it up. How? I eat myself silly to create what can best described as "super loogies" or "turbo turds". As big as they are (elephant sized), they have not yet defeated a cruise ship toilet and I've been on at least a dozen cruises. I dream of one day being able to call the cabin steward to report a stuff-up. In my dreams, the cabin steward looks at me with much admiration and quips "sir, that is quite an accomplishment".
