Thursday, March 30, 2006

Not All Pink is Girly

When I left work last night, I was feeling pretty low. I had just read a depressing article online about some new potential TV pilots based on blogs. Three out of four of the blogs present a certain obnoxious image of women in the Sex in the City vein, only missing out on the aspects of Sex in the City that made it a show watched by people who I respect. (I could never get over the shopping and fashion aspects myself.) As usual, women who live (or try to live) out clichés about being young, female, and single in an urban area are getting showered with attention. I freely admit that I am completely jealous of their successes, but it also depresses me that only a certain type of female writer (chick lit) seems to matter.

Anyway, as I was wallowing in self-pity (I’m very good at that) on the subway on my way home, I read in Entertainment Weekly about the new Pink song and video in which she mocks Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, and Mary-Kate Ashley for being vacuous. In the article, Pink explains, “None of these girls are stupid. They’ve dumbed themselves down to be cute. I just feel like one image is being force-fed down people’s throats. There’s a lot of smart women. There’s a lot of smart girls. Who is representing them?” While I disagree that none of the aforementioned people are stupid, Pink’s feistiness heartened me. She also has a new song on her album about how George Bush was a cokehead. How cool is that?

It’s great to remember that there are people like Pink and Sarah Vowell, who are successful and original, and that not everyone who gets ahead is a hack.


  1. I agree with Pink. I dont think most people are stupid, they just act it and think it's adorably cute. They think that by acting a ditz, we'll sympathize with them, when in reality, we'll just mock them mercilessly. It's sad that they have to use their boobs rather than their brains to get ahead.

  2. While I don't always like her music, I usually like what Pink has to say. She is one of the few people working within the pop music industry who garners my respect. I, myself, have not yet caught up on my Entertainment Weekly reading, but I will have to remember to read that article.
