Friday, March 31, 2006

You New Around This Town?

I was in an exceptionally foul mood yesterday afternoon when I went to a meeting. At first, the proceedings only pissed me off further, but as it progressed, things began looking up. By the end of the meeting, I no longer felt like calling certain people in power fucking retards and stomping out of the room.

As we were wrapping up, my boss cheerfully noted how great it was that we came to consensus, as the “people around the table are coming from different places.” My first impulse was to blurt out, “I’m from Uranus!!!” Fortunately, I was able to stop myself from doing this and barely conceal the hysterical laughter that welled up inside.


  1. Back in early highschool I remember a bunch of us boys would always smirk or giggle when the teacher said "Uranus".

    Nobody said you had to be mature to get into highschool.

  2. "Used to"... I still giggle anytime someone in my office says "unit", "staff", "member" & even "box"....
