Wednesday, April 26, 2006

My April 26 in Words and Pictures

7:50 AM Wake up 20 minutes earlier than planned

7:52-8:20 Check email and do research online

8:25-8:50 Shower, get dressed, finish packing

8:55-9:00 Check out of hotel and complain about tampon wrappers on bathroom
floor; get $50 off bill

9:00-9:10 Hang around and wait for co-workers

9:11-9:29 Load into white mini van and begin trip with co-workers to see Salk Institute in La Jolla

9:30-9:59 Hang around Salk Institute, a funky modernist complex with white boxy buildings that has stunning view of ocean; watch architect friend/colleague
swoon; buy other co-worker coffee and eat banana

10:00 Begin roadtrip to Escondido to visit Lawrence Welk Museum

10:35-10:49 Hang around Lawrence Welk Museum; watch colleague who grew up in
Minnesota watching Lawrence Welk Show swoon; take pictures of ginormous champagne glass, cardboard cutout of Lawrence Welk posed in life-like manner in front of fake ABC TV camera; read a bit about Lawrence Welk and learn that he begged father to buy him $400 accordion when he was 17, which he repaid by promising to work on the farm until age 21 and give dad any earnings from weekend accordion gigs; wonder where the hordes of old folks are

10:50-10:53 Buy postcard in gift shop as well as $2.95 emory board with picture of Welk on it as gift for co-worker

10:54-11:00 Go back to museum and use bathroom; leave just as massive tour bus full of elderly people pulls up

11:00-11:58 Drive to LA in silence so that co-worker can participate in conference call via cell phone

11:58-12:36 Begin chatting while conference call is adjourned for lunch; become enraged at insane things that are going on; yell a lot about various injustices; dub mini van “the white hot mini van of bitterness and rage;” laugh hysterically

12:37-12:49 Drive in silence again so co-worker can finish call

12:50-3:00 Arrive at LA office and get lunch; eat; check voicemail; engage in call that causes anger to swell inside

3:01-3:45 Leave with architect friend/colleague and have mini meltdown; go to crappy mall; leave crappy mall and head over to interesting-looking central library

3:46-5:00 Return to office; hang out and chat with LA staff

5:01-5:45 Head over to hotel across street from USC; learn that 5 out of 12 floors of hotel are used as dorm rooms for undergrads; check into hotel in resignation

5:46-6:03 Go with co-workers to park white hot mini van of bitterness and rage in garage across street; notice SUV and remember again why I am a misanthrope
6:04-6:28 Download day’s photos onto computer

6:29-9:35 Meet co-workers for dinner; pile into white hot mini van of bitterness and rage; get lost looking for restaurant, but see sign that makes me laugh because I am being immature; find restaurant and have delicious dinner, including amazing moon pie for dessert;return to hotel and go to crappy gym

10:00-present Download new photo; type day’s events and post with pictures in effort to amuse and entertain others


  1. what does the sign that made you laugh say? the picture is too dark. i'm dying of curiousity...
