Thursday, April 13, 2006

Vote for Change in Both Senses of the Word

If you hate the state of the world as much as I do, you know that we need as much help as we can get to fix shit. That's why my friend J. (the one who took me all those awesome places when I visited her in the Dominican Republic) is going to grad school for an MPA. I received the following request from her:
Hey suz,
I found a great yet fucked up scholarship opportunity (I can't help but crack up every time I think about how ridiculous this scholarship is).

So in order to find the last $1K that I need to cover this year's tuiton at Carnegie Mellon, I have applied for a Scholarship Frenzy Scholarship. There, I have nominated Tom's of Maine as Business of the Year (as a condition of the application).

In order for me to win the scholarship, I will need people to vote for me at: Scholarship Business of the Year Nominees. The idea is to vote early and vote often for Tom's of Maine, business of the year. (There's NO LIMIT to the amount of times you can vote!!).

It'd be great if you could pass this along to EVERYONE who might want to see me win this year's prize.
Best of luck to me.

You need to VOTE FOR ME to get this scholarship: MULTIPLE TIMES, OFTEN, so that I WIN! Go to this page: Scholarship Business of the Year Nominees and KEEP VOTING FOR ME! I am the "Tom's of Maine" contestant!

I cannot think of a more ludicrous way to finance education, but welcome to America. However, I do love the vote early, vote often Chicago-style philosophy embraced by this insane scholarship contest.


  1. I question their accounting methods. Tom's was rated an 8 when I first started voting and there were 24 votes. I voted 10 16 times, and it's still an 8. Now I'm not particularly "mathy," but check this --

    24 times 8 = 192
    10 times 16 = 160
    192 + 160 = 352
    352 divided by 40 = 8.8 Oh. Never mind.

    I really shouldn't attempt to do math. Now that I've figured it out, I also figured out that it's going to take almost ten more 10 votes to move Tom's to a 9. I'll do a couple more, but eventually I have to get off my ass...

  2. Okay, well now I've voted 35 times (have I ever mentioned I get a little obsessive?), and it still hasn't changed, and I've checked my math several times and now I KNOW it should be at least a 9.
    ARGH! I quit. Good luck...

  3. I've voted ToM "10" a bunch of times as well, and it isn't changing the score either... I think the Basket Gourmet Shop is running a racket... (over 2000 votes)

  4. I had the same disappoint experience. I voted once and it did go from 7 to 8. Then the next 42 votes did not show up. Fuckers!

  5. I know someone who financed a play she was producing by asking everyone she knew for $10. It worked! Perhaps a backup plan for our friend in the DR. :-) seriously, this scholarship makes no sense to me. But I voted and will do so again (but yes, it feels futile).

  6. Hey folks,

    Y'all are just awesome. And I don't even know most of you.

    And by the way, that's crazy about the Basket Gourmet Shop.

    I accidentally posted 9 once, instead of a 10. I wonder if that somehow weighs in, in a significantly negative manner; assuming for example that the results are actually scaled to make those errors count for much more than they should.

    Also, I suppose that there are ways of sabotoging other people's entries by giving them lower scores to keep them from getting ahead. I wonder if I've been a victim of that. Nahh, I just think that "Basket Gourmet Shop" has someone who doesn't actually work, sitting at home and hitting "10" on their entry every 5 minutes.

    This might all be some sick joke... None-the-less, I thank everyone who's taken their time to help out!
