Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Belated Earth Day Plea for Bush Conservation

Yesterday Count Mockula sent me a link to a pair of "Stop Deforestation" knickers. Those Brits are so cheeky! (Ha ha.) Unfortunately, at $2 to the £1, these undies would deforest my wallet. (Even without the awful exchange rate, I am way too cheap to buy $25 underwear, even if they are adorable and "crack" me up. Oh, me with the puns - my fake mustache is quaking with laughter...)


  1. Way cool... They'd be perfect for you!

  2. I don't know who you're trying to fool about the deforestation of your wallet. I don't think anyone can remember the last time you've had a sum as large as $25 in your wallet.

  3. I swear, I recently had as much as $40 on me! Which means I still couldn't buy the knickers.
