Thursday, April 24, 2008

Setting the Medical Community Straight

"Suzanne, listen," Bubbe intoned when I called her this evening to see how she felt after her routine cataract surgery yesterday, "the doctor told me that I got diabetes from depression when Michael died."

Michael was my grandpa. "No, Bubbe. Depression doesn't cause diabetes," I explained.

"Yes! That's what the doctor told me. That's how your dad and I got diabetes."

"Um, I think you may have misunderstood what he was saying," I suggested.

"No, he told me this."

"Depression does not cause diabetes," I insisted.

"No? Well maybe the doctor doesn't know this," she said. I pictured the look of smug satisfaction on her wrinkled face, and gave in.

"Whatever you say."



    Actually bubbe may have understood right.

    According to the above article and my source, depression can lead to increased stress hormones like cortisol which in turn results in insulin resistance or glucose intolerance.

    Learn something new everyday!

  2. Thanks, Flo. That is very good to know, but given my family's history with food and weight, I'm fairly certain that those common factors had a lot more to do with why they got diabetes than depression. Perhaps that was just a secondary reinforcer. If I were a doctor looking at my family history, I would not suggest that depression is THE cause. However, now I know that it can be a contributing factor, so that is good.

  3. Definitely Donuts, Chocolate Bars, cakes and pies are the main culprits. Speaking of which, now I want some ice cream. Hope you are doing well.
