Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I Shot the Sheriff

But I did not shoot the deputy.

This is the kind of wackiness that may or may not take place at a cooking party thrown by Hot Pot, my brother-in-law's new business. Husband says that I look just like a sheriff from the Wild West. I am so going to invest in some Wild West Sheriff Gear and kick off my new career as a drag king. I believe that I have truly found my calling.


  1. Tell BIL that I'll pass on the Hot Pot and stick with my Hot Pockets, thank you very much.
    P.S. Unless of course that means that Thanksgiving will be hosted by Hot Pot.

  2. You look like the love child of Sam Elliot and William Saroyan!

  3. Thanks Kara! I wish I were kidding when I say how much I love this fake mustache. (It's certainly better than my real one!)

    Steph, Thanksgiving will not be a Hot Pot event, although cooking will be done by people other than you and me.

  4. aw, and i'm watching a movie w/ a transexual drag queen right now.
    great 'stache. the envy of hercule poirot & his mustaches.

  5. It is indeed a great moustache...

  6. You could totally be on Deadwood with that 'stash.

  7. I saw that picture on your Facebook profile yesterday and it cracked me up!

    I tried Icelandic yogurt yesterday by the way.

  8. Not only does the 'stache qualify me for Deadwood, but my vocabulary is motherfuckin, cocksuckin perfect, too!
