Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Stay Away from the Pole, Old Lady

"I'm thinking of having my book party at New York City Fire Museum," I told my mom on the phone tonight.

"Really? Will there be one of those calendar firemen there?" she inquired.

"The space does come with a retired firefighter to show people around."

"Can we ask him if we can slide the fire pole?" she asked innocently.

"Why don't you ask him in a sleazy way?" I laughed. "I'm sure he'd love that."

My mom laughed so hard she could barely talk. "No, I'll have Grandma ask that in a sleazy way."

Since we both know that she would do that, we nearly laughed ourselves into asthma attacks.


  1. That makes me laugh to no end.

    Unfortunately, I think I might have to miss it. Boo. Videotape the whole evening for me. And give grandma and mom hugs for me after they slide down the pole.

  2. Oh my - bring your grandma along and she can get it on with the retired firefighter. I'm sure he wouldn't mind... :-)

  3. PS, I've slide down a fire pole. It's freaky making that step onto it!

  4. Suz, you watered down our conversation!
